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Thursday, February 10, 2005

Can't hardly wait

Ok I am about to pee in my pants because I can't wait for the next ultrasound on the 22nd (well not literally, but I just can't wait!!) Today was a pretty busy day. I had some errands in the morning, then I met my friend Shannon for lunch and we walked around the mall a little (good to get exercise!) and I got the Pooh curtains for the nursery I have been searching for! They finally had them in stock and I couldn't be more thrilled! I can't wait to get this nursery thing really started!

Anyway after that I took a nap on my parents couch and then went to the Calliope meeting which was short but sweet. Brandi gave me this necklace thing I have been dying to get for myself. It is a little ball with a chime in it that hangs over your belly and the baby can hear it. She saw somewhere that I wanted one and ordered for me! Very sweet. It even came in the cutest little box. I came home, washed a load of laundry, fixed dinner (enchaladias... spelling???) and then watched two movies, Mean Creek, and the Forgotten. Then watched the apprentince and ER. Well I should go to bed now.

My Mood : Excited! Now Playing : quiet house

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