Well I've had quite a full two days. So yesterday (monday) I get dressed and head out to my car to babysit for my nephews again... only problem is my car won't start. So I call my brother and tell him the "good news" and he says no problem he comes and jumps my car and follows me back to his house, he also puts my car battery on a charger... all day long. I'm talking from 9AM- 7PM. Well the day is uneventful meaning everything goes good with Matthew and Shane... standard babysitting stuff. Well when Ted gets home my car still won't start so he offers to take me to get a car battery... and that is when the fun starts!
Nobody has eaten dinner yet so Ted offers to take us all to Golden Coral since it is on the way to get the battery. Everyone is tired but in good spirits. The next thing I know there is this conversation between Ted and his 3 year old son Shane.
"Daddy I don't like the brocolli" (talking about the food he has already chewed in his mouth)
"Well Shane it's already in your mouth you have to swallow it, take a dip of water" At this point Shane does what he is told, sort of... After taking a gulp of water he turns to look at his Dad, and throws up... all over himself, all over the chair, all over Ted's leg. Guess Shane showed him Poor little guy! Ted takes him calmly into the bathroom to help him get cleaned up. We leave (of course we alert the proper people and they assure us everything is ok and some nice guy cleans up the mess). Headed to the car Ted changes Shane's clothes... I guess the always prepared parent keeps a bag of extra clothes for each kid in case of any emergency that comes up. This week has been a learning experience!
Then we head over to Wal-mart and get a battery, my brother takes us back to his house where he puts in the new battery for me... all ending a little after 10:00. I am so lucky to have a big brother! I am also blessed that the car did not die the last time I drove it Saturday night at Walmart at 11:00 at night when nobody was around!
Ok on to today... I had an appointment this morning to go to the Dentist. Well they confirmed what I thought. I have the beginnings of periodontal disease... my first present from Lucas! In pregnancy your gums can bleed REALLY easy... and I guess they can also get infected easily. I am sure the first 3-4 months I spent puking at least once a day didn't help. So basically on April 5th I go in for this procedure called "scaling." My doesn't that sound pleasant... he is what it says on WebMD about it:
"The first non-surgical step usually involves a special cleaning, called scaling and root planing, to remove plaque and tartar deposits on the tooth and root surfaces. This procedure helps gum tissue to heal and periodontal pockets to shrink. This is sometimes referred to as "periodontal" or "deep cleaning." A local anesthetic may be used to make you more comfortable. And the treatment may be scheduled for one or more visits."
The dentist said after that is done my gums will bleed even more for a while... hmm what could be more appetizing then a mouth full of blood. I'm sure it has to be a big turn on too! Man I love being pregnant!
Ok seriously though I'm not in any pain right now. I haven't been. I just noticed this stuff and researched it and read all about how it has been linked to premature birth and I don't want to take any chances... not to mention that if left untreated your gums peel back all the way from your teeth and they fall out. Do I really want to be the toothless girl in the trailer park?
Hmmm I think no! Well I am going to go wrap this up I am starting to feel a little sick to my stomach. I am hoping it is caused by reliving Shane's dinner time entertainment last night and not because I am coming down with something!
My Mood : feeling a little tickle in the tummy Now Playing : the sound of the fan blowing
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