So, let's try this again. I can?t believe my journal entry just disappeared! Well last night I ended up sleeping on the couch. Sometimes it is just easier to find a comfortable position on it because of all the pillows. I think I finally feel asleep about 2:30-3 AM and at 5 I woke up because I had to pee. I laid there for a while trying to decide it I wanted to go pee or not and I heard Curt get up to go to the bathroom and trip over the laundry basket I had put out the day before so he could pick up his clothes? which I know this is going to sound bad but it made me smile! (Which I told him later today and it made him laugh) I waited until I heard him go back to bed and I got up to pee and laid back down. I went to sleep until I woke up at 6. That is a good night of sleep for me! LOL
At 6:30 Nick, one of the guys Curt works for called and asked for the chiropractor we used when we got rear ended about a year ago. I guess he hurt his back or something. Curt left for work and then called 5 minutes later and said he was on his way home. I guess his boss Billy called and told him that if he wanted to take the day off he could since Nick called in and so did another guy. They work with such large sheets of glass it usually takes 2 people on each job. They were supposed to have Friday off so he can just work that day. It?s not like we would be out Thursday night for St.Patrick's day for a wild not of drinking, even if I wasn't pregnant. So Curt would just be doing busy work like cleaning the shop, which he hates more then anything. So he volunteered he help me at the house instead since he knew I was upset with him the night before.
When he got back home he came in and went straight to the bathroom, picked up his clothes, cleaned the sink and the counter. Then he vacuumed the baby's room and we ate breakfast together, bowls of KIX cereal. Curt isn't a big fan but I love it because it was the only cereal I would eat growing up. Since I?ve been pregnant I have craved foods that remind me of my childhood. Instant grits with melted slice cheese remind me of my Grandparents. No matter what time we would get to their house when we came into town to visit for the summers my Grandma would make me a bowl of grits. She would put a tea kettle on the stove to heat the water up and then poor it over the grits and cheese in these heavy white bowls. PB&J reminds me of my Dad. He would always make my sister and me these sandwiches when he was home at lunch time. He would cut them into 4 triangles and serve it with alphabet soup. These no bake oatmeal fudge cookies they sell at Wal-mart and Food Lion in the bakery section remind me of these gross microwave cookies my mom would make. I just love them now that I am pregnant.
Anyway after we ate our KIX we went grocery shopping. It was nice to have someone there to distract me from gagging. I have really hated grocery shopping pregnant because whatever I see that day that particular day makes me sick and I start gagging right there in the middle of the aisle. So it was nice to have Curt to make me laugh and joke around with. Of course when he is there we usually spend more money because he wants stuff I wouldn?t normally buy like Jell-O (I know so expensive right) and cans of black olives. He has the strangest snack habits (his favorites are black olives and lemons!) When we got home we brought the groceries in and he put them away while I checked my eBay and email. It was really nice!
I took my first of two naps today and I think he played some game on the computer. When I woke up he helped me straighten up the living room and then I made us a sandwich to split since it was late in the afternoon and I didn?t want to spoil our dinner. Which brings me back to the whole emotional connection to food thing? I made this sandwich that I used to order from 606 E. Cafe when it was open. That was the place my best friend Katie and I would go all through high school and when she would come back to visit from Florida. 606 was downtown in city market and it closed about two yeas ago. Anyway we would always order "Carlena's Fave" which was chicken fingers on toasted French bread with pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, and honey mustard. YUM! Greatest sandwich ever. So they remind me of Katie. Curt loves them now too.
After that I went and took a shower and then Jadie and I went and picked up the mail. We got the "Pregnancy for Dummies" DVD from Netflix and I watched it. It was about the third trimester and the first 3 months of the baby?s life. It made me feel really smart and "prepared" because everything in the DVD I had already read or heard from Lisa. After that I made Tacos and Curt and I ate dinner together.
I am starting to think that the other day when I thought I was having Braxton hicks contractions it is just Lucas moving around. I swear I think he is going to be a soccer player or something with how much he kicks and moves around. It is the strangest feeling in the world!! Well I had more written earlier but this is pretty darn good for having to retype it all! Plus I want to watch the news to see the updates for the "Miss Savannah Trial," it is so hard to believe that Nicki is on trial for murder. I graduated with her.
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