Well the journal website is down, so I am going to type this entry in word then copy and paste (copying and pasting reminds me of my Dad).
Anyway yesterday (Friday) was a great day. I went downtown with Brandi. I haven?t been downtown in a VERY long time. Probably the last time was when Katie was here last summer. It is so funny the day Brandi asked me to go to lunch with her I was just thinking that day how I wish I went downtown more and was picturing myself as one of those hip Savannah mom?s with their kid in the stroller walking around downtown and shopping. Then Brandi invited me to Soho, which is the coolest little place. It?s this great Caf頴hat is also a sort of Art Gallery. The food was also amazing.
After lunch Brandi and I walked around to some of her favorite Haunts, these cute little shops and bookstore that write out their own receipts. She even treated me to ice cream! I felt so spoiled it was great! Next time it is going to be my treat!
Last night I couldn't sleep so I lay in bed listening to music on my portable CD player. I have these broken pair of headphones that are great because one ear piece has come unattached. When I listen to music at night I stick the loose ear piece over my belly. Well last night I turned it up a little louder then usual (yes if you must know Curt was snoring like a freight train again, which I sure he will adamantly deny). When I did this Lucas started moving around like crazy, especially to the Dixie Chicks' Godspeed song. He loves his country.
Anyway tonight I went over to my parents' house and talked to my Dad for a while and watched some dumb Lifetime movie with him. I miss him so much since he doesn?t run his own business anymore. He used to be always physical available. Then when my mom got home the two of us hung out, which he hadn?t done in a long time. I was hoping to spend some time with my sister but we barely said two words to each other. She was on the computer talking to Tony again.
Mom and I went to dinner (Mexican food YUM!) and talked it was nice. I love my mom but usually we sometimes don?t agree on a lot of things. I had a lot of fun though. We just talked about everything.
On the way home I stopped at Wal-mart and picked up a few things to clean my bathroom with. (Curt's family is coming Sunday instead to help us work on Lucas' room) When I got home I worked my butt off cleaning the bathroom & it has never been so clean. I know lately I?ve been working on being cleaner but there is nothing like company coming over (especially the in-laws) to kick your butt in gear? even if you procrastinate until the last minute. I am going to head to bed now. Everyone is supposed to be here at 10AM so we are getting up at 8 to finish the last minute things. (First I am going to burn a Dixie Chicks CD though).
Oh, one other exciting thing happened. Somehow someone ripped off my personal information and used it to buy a calling card from Thailand. When I say personal info I mean they had my full name, address, email, oh and my check card number! Fun!
My Mood : sleepy
Now Playing : the water running better go turn it off!
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