The travel system I put together all by myself!

Today I didn't feel like doing anything except laying around the house but I forced myself to get up and I called my sister and asked if she would go baby shopping with me at Target to get some things we still needed.
I thought it would be a quicker trip then what it was, since we were only going to the baby department which isn't that big. Boy, was I wrong! There are so many choices!!! Too many! The first stop was to pick up some cloth diapers (they make great burping cloths) and there were a few different types and colors. I finally decided on a package of 6 in white (easy to bleach clean even though they weren't as "cute" as some of the others, but hey they are for baby spit!).
Next it was off to the baby bedding where I stood wondering if I needed terry sheet protectors and I decided to just buy two more crib sheets. They were cheaper and makes sense to have more crib sheets to change then one sheet protector you have to wash over and over and over.
Then I stood in front of the of baby products and got a snot sucker (don't know the real word for it and I'm not going to go look right now) but its the bulb looking thing that you squeeze, and they make them with a um "clean out valve" now. I was staring at the rack of baby hair brushes before I realized that even if my baby came out with hair, it propably won't be enough o brush right away.
The biggest challenge was the diaper aisle... There are so many brands and then each brand has different types of diapers. I went with Hughes Supreme size 1 (if that means nothing to you I'm still about there) I only bought them because I had a $1.00 off coupon and they were on sale, same with the wipes I bought.
On the way out of the store I decided to swing by swings and travel systems (which means car seat & stroller combo for you no-baby people) because my mom is supposed to take me shopping for one or the other when she gets back in town this weekend. Well, it just so happens I spotted the one pictured in this entry on sale for $79.00!!! (That is for the stroller, car seat, and base so you don't have to fuss with the buckle each time you take it out). I called my mom and she told me to grab it since it was the last one left and she would pay me back for it AND take me to go get a swing because of the price.
When I got to the cash register I used a gift card I had and then I presented my Target card out of habit to put the remaining balance on (forgetting that I had paid off the balance and closed the account). I was only middle embarrassed, paid the balance and Lori and I fit everything in the back of my little Geo Tracker. When we got to my parents house she went to talk to her husband Tony online and I went swimming for a little bit before heading home.
I showed Curt all my purchases when I got home and put them in the nursery, we ate dinner, and I fell asleep watching The Final Cut. When I woke up it was time for the season finale of One Tree Hill and I watched it while I put together the travel system. Overall a productive day!
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