I filled up on $1.97

This has definitely been a tiring weekend! Tonight we had dinner with my family and some of THEIR friends. On the way there we filled up on gas and I was very happy to find it for $1.97! Last week I filled up for $2.07. It just totally made my day.
Now on to the events of this weekend...
Friday I sort of got into a big fight with my mom, everything is fine and I just don't feel like going into it but it wasn't pretty. There was yelling and crying out of frustration (mostly on of my end).
Saturday was my baby shower that Lisa threw. She did such a great job (and I'm not just saying that because I know she will read this). She really went to a lot of trouble and she got Lucas the coolest little things. (Well, everybody did too, he will be one clean baby for sure). We really have everything now except for diapers, a swing, a travel system (a car seat that fits into a stroller), cloth diapers (used as burp cloths since they "soak up more") and a breast pump (never thought I would need one of those). I was so happy to see Shannon (known her since 4th grade) and Crystal (known her since 6th grade). It was a great shower, great food, great friends, and I really felt special. If I could have made any change it would just be that more of my friends could have been there (a lot of people had to work, one was in Australia, and one is in Texas, and others said they would be there but weren't and I'm not sure where they were yet.
Even though most everyone left about 7PM I stayed at Lisa's asking her baby questions and trying to figure out what brand of diapers to buy. I'm so glad I have Lisa there to ask all my mom questions too. (I know I have my mom but Lisa is still going through the "baby age" with Colby and it is still fresh... If that makes sense).
I left at around 1:30, came home and you know I'm not sure what I did now that I think about it, when Curt got home (he always hangs out with his friends on Saturday Nights) I was not in a good mood, I was sitting, well laying, fully clothed under the covers in bed, with the light on just staring out. I think I yelled at him for coming home late. He came to bed, turned off the light and I just started to cry, I'm not sure why... Mostly stress, left over from the fight with my mom Saturday, and wondering where everyone was that said they would be there at the baby shower (not that I did not have fun), and then there is the whole house looking like a tornado because of all the dining room construction that isn't done. I think he thought I was mad at him, which I wasn't... I'm just so worried that everything (meaning the house) won't be done by the time the baby is here... When I look at it unfinished it just stresses me out, because before it was started the house was pretty much spotless and I was a domestic diva (or at least I would like to think I was). So I lay there in the dark crying and explaining all of this to Curt. He just kept begging me to stop crying and asking what he could do to make me stop. I told him "hold me,"
he did,
I stopped,
and we both feel asleep.
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