Jadie in "The BOX"

Well I haven't given Jadie her mani/pedi yet but I did get bored and decide to play around with a photo of her hanging out in what we can her "BOX." This is where she used to stay when we left the house because she wasn't "a good girl." Now we usually leave her out and since she has the freedom to choose when she goes in and out of THE BOX she goes there when she wants some down time.
She is so funny, when we come home she'll be looking for us sitting in the window and when we open the door she will be laying in her box like she's been there the whole time. She is so funny. I hope she isn't too jealous of the baby when we come home with Lucas.
MAN, I just realized I have turned into one of those FREAKS who talks about the "cute things my dog does." I apologize....
On that note let me tell you about what Curt did on Saturday... Well, he left the house Saturday evening to go to his Grandfathers house like he does every Saturday night (which was why I went to dinner with Lori and tried to squeeze in some girl time with Lori before she got on the computer) well he wasn't gone three minutes before he calls me from his cell phone. This is how the conversation went:
Me: "Hello"
Curt: "Hey honey, I was just calling to let you know that our kid is never playing in the park!" (there is a play ground thing in the "neighborhood" where we live next to a canal and basketball courts)
Me: "Uhh... OK?"
Curt: "Cause I was driving by and saw a poisonous snake in the road, nearby some kids playing. It was a water moccasin and I had to move it! So our kid is not playing there! Ever!"
Me: "Ok, whatever you say."
Curt: "Ok I just wanted to let you know! I love you bye!"
Me "Uhh Love you too, bye"
I got off the phone and laughed to myself, I mean our kid isn't even born yet! It will be quite a while before he can play at a playground (and more then likely we WILL NOT still live here). Also, my husband being Dr. Doo Little doesn't run over the poisonous snake. Instead, he picks it up and moves it to save not only the kids, but also the snake.... not worried that he might be the one that gets attacked by the snake.
Curt is worried that he won't be a good Dad, but I think he'll do fine. He is already worried about protecting his son years in advance!
I have to remember things like that when he is doing guy stuff that grosses me out (insert random guy behavior here... like spitting, scratching, farting, burping all at inappropriate times) or when we get in a dumb fight on what to do on Sunday Afternoon and he goes to his friends Vince's house and I go see Monster in Law by myself (movie was pretty funny!) Of course that was a purely hypothetical situation. ;-)
1 comment:
Curt farts????
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