My dining room windows

This morning started off not so great as I struggled to figure out how to get my window shades up in the position they are in the picture so they wouldn't create a sauna for my plants and give them a heat stoke. Did I mention I did this why standing wrapped in a towel fresh out of the shower as the shade kept falling on the floor. I ended up taking them out of the window and hand rolling them (which I will probably do for as long as I have them).
I quickly packaged up my eBay sales to mail off and headed out of the door at 7:40 AM to run some errands. When I got done I decided to swing by Target to see if I could find any "Curt acceptable" furniture since he wants to now redo our living room. I didn't find anything but I did find too cute tank tops that I just had to have and I picked up another baby gate to put on our bedroom door just in case Jadie gets jealous when Lucas comes home and decides she wants to pee in our bed. I also got a bottle of prenatal vitamins since I am almost out of the ones I had. Are all prenatal vitamins created equal? I guess it is just a good thing when I remember to take a vitamin, shh don't tell my mom!
On the way out of the store Starbucks was calling my name so I had to stop to get a Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato. When I ordered the lady behind the counter was very cheerful and asked me if I wanted a decaf and then she excitedly asked me "Do you know what you are having?" Normally I would be annoyed because I hate when I get caffeine lectures from people because unlike most of the population I RARELY drink coffee, tea, of any kind of Coke (or Soda/Pop for those not from GA) whatsoever. However since this wonderful lady was the first perfect stranger to acknowledge that I was pregnant without me having some sort of baby item in my hand I just wanted to hug her! While my drink was being made she kept asking me all kinds of baby questions and I walked out sipping my decaf venti Iced Caramel Macchiato with a smile.
I should have gotten a smaller size because I think I only drank about 1/3 of it. It was made perfect but I think I am losing my taste for it. Then it was off to Home Depot to pick up caulk and nails to finish up some things at home. On the way back to my car there was a little stand and I bought myself a fresh squeezed lemonade. I am becoming quite the drinker... hmm I wonder if that has anything to do with me thinking about my wedding anniversary one month after the baby is due and imagining what alcoholic beverage I will have to celebrate. I have never been a big drinker, especially since I became "of age" I can count the numbers of drinks I have had since turning 21 on one hand, but it is that whole not being allowed to do something.
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Amaretto Sour
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