36 weeks 5 Days... I think I am going to start charging Lucas Rent

My life has been consumed by all things baby. Yesterday when I went to Super Wal-mart to get groceries I spent most of the time getting things I would need for my bag to take when I go into labor and then I headed to the baby aisle just looking and daydreaming. I finally picked up a Baby Book and as I flipped through each page I started to tear up imagining filling in every little detail. When I finally headed to the food aisles I had no real interest in buying food so I barely got anything.
I now have everything I need for my overnight bag now it is just a matter of getting it all packed. I spent last night washing baby clothes in special baby detergent. I would have got more done but I was so exhausted so I went to bed early (well early for me) at 12:30AM. Every little pain I had in my stomach I kept going, "Oh is that false labor?"
This morning I got up took a shower and headed into town. I ended up meeting Shannon and Jimmy for lunch at the Olive Garden. I am so proud of Shannon, she will be Miss. Brinkley 4th Grade Teacher at Spencer Elementary school this fall! We mostly talked about books and cartoons we loved as kids and it was fun!
After lunch I went on a hunt for a baby gate that will fit our door. (Most baby gates are made for 26" wide openings, and of course ours is 25"!) I headed to K-mart where I've seen them before for $11.99 but of course they don't sell them anymore so I headed to Target to take back the one I bought that was too small for our bedroom door. I found the door I wanted at Target and it was $29.99!!! I bought it anyway because we need one to keep Jadie out of our room. (No we don't have a bedroom door). I also ended up buying a few other things I didn't need. I found the cutest newborn outfit and matching blanket so I am changing the baby's coming home outfit. I also bought another swaddle blanket and two pairs of maternity shorts. I have been wearing capri pants but it is tooo HOT! So in the name of comfort I am getting over my whole "I am not going to show off my yucky pale looking legs" thing.
When I got home I changed into my new shorts and started washing baby clothes again. Our kid has so many clothes sized 0-3 months that I could barely close the drawers so I decided to take out the larger sized clothes and store them under the crib. Of course I called Nursery Nazi Curt before I did this to let him know. (He is so anal about the nursery, every few days he goes in to dust, vacuum, and make sure there is nothing out of place). Now I can actually open the drawers and I will be able to find what I am looking for instead of having to dig through everything to find a onsie or a t-shirt. Jadie just watched as I organized the drawers looking at me like "what the hell are you doing?"
Well Curt is home now and he is putting together his grill to make hamburgers and I agreed to cut up lettuce and tomatoes.
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