It's oatmeal I promise

I am sitting here eating my oatmeal and realizing 4 spoons full of white sugar and a pinch of brown sugar is WAY too much sugar for two packets of instant oatmeal. Curt is in the bedroom watching Trauma. Every once in a while I hear a pitiful "honey" coming from the bedroom and it is annoying!
I am nice to all sick people but my poor husband! I think it goes back to when we first got married and his mom told me "Never let him stay home when he says he is sick, because he probably isn't." Since then he has to be bleeding from the head for me to believe that he might need medical attention. Seriously a few years ago he said he hurt is back and I thought he was full of B.S. Finally he went in for medical treatment and the x-rays showed that he had a bone spur and a slipped disk.
So this morning after Curt left for work Jadie and I were all cuddled up in bed with the AC blasting listening to Kidd Kraddick in the morning when the phone rang. It was Curt "I'm coming home, I already called my boss, I just puked Gatorade all over myself and I'm stuck waiting for a train to pass." All I said was ok. Then I called him back to tell him to put his clothes directly in the washing machine when he got home and Jadie and I cuddled back up.
When he got home he took a shower and got out and wanted to cuddle cause he didn't feel good. I told him to cuddle with Jadie that I was going into the living room that I didn't want to get sick cause "I'm pregnant." He told me that he wanted to cuddle with someone "warm and sexy" and I told him again to cuddle with Jadie.
I don't know how he could be sick, I know the whole reason I puked yesterday was because I realized I wasn't in the mood for ham while it was sitting on my tongue. I still half don't believe Curt puked but I'm not going to check his clothes to find out. Instead I'm going to leave him cuddled with Jadie and go to Super Walmart.
1 comment:
Where have you learned your WIFE skills from? Or should I say where have your wife skills rubbed off from? Poor Lucas, he doesn't know how bad of a mom I sometimes am, hope that doesn't rub off.
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