What the stylish babies are wearing to go home in.

Today I had my weekly appointment and it wasn't exciting, which I know is a good thing. Now that I have reached 36 weeks (37 tomorrow) I go in every week for an appointment. Every two weeks I still have my centering classes (which combines the things that happen at a normal appointment with a chance to talk to and ask questions with all the other women who are also due in July). This week it was just me and Sherry (one of the midwives), she is super sweet but it just isn't the same as getting to hang out with the other pregnant women chiming in about how hot it is and what we are craving at that moment.
I am supposed to have my bag packed and ready to go but it's only half way there. I still have to get little odds and ends together like comfort items like music I want to listen to. I guess maybe I should burn some of my ITunes music to CDS. I already have Lucas' first outfit all packed up. I know because of Jadie I went with a whole dog theme. He has a matching blanket, onsie, and overalls with the same dogs on them, and then he has a blue bunny rattle (hey at least it is blue).
I also need to remember to pack a brush and of course my camera (I can't pack it now since I use it just about everyday.) I guess I should also pack Curt a change of clothes and a tooth brush. I already have a stop watch for him to time contractions (even though I'm confused about when you are supposed to start timing... something about from the end of one to the beginning of the next or something like that!) Every time I call him for something small like "hey I am going to the store do you need anything?" he thinks I am calling to say "Hey I'm in labor."
I'm ready but I'm not.
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