Don't tell me I don't know how to have fun!

Well I took my first dose at 8:00 this morning and now I am supposed to be "eating and drinking like normal," whatever that means. Then at 10:00 take another dose and by that time the "fun" is supposed to start.
After I gulped the first dose down I called the widwife pager to let them know that I had started my Saturday O'Fun and Sherry, who returned my call asked me if I think the baby has turned into the right position? Well, if he hasn't I don't know what will turn him. Since my last appointment Wednesday I have been doing nothing but walking, rocking my pelvis, sitting on the "birth" ball (like now), and laying on my left side. She also asked where do I feel him kicking? I really don't know! I guess I've been so caught up in my "training" for the big event that I haven't really been paying attention. So I'm supposed to "keep it up" and now I have a new "exercise" running back and forth to the bathroom.
**** 10:17 update
So I am sitting here drinking raspberry tea (I'm supposed to drink it after the castor oil but before the enema)... and wondering what on earth did I get myself into. A little before 10 my stomach started to rumble and I thought that I would be making my first of many trips to the bathroom. I was right, sort of. I went and puked up all the castor oil stuff and the cereal I had for breakfast... two hours after taking in! Now I actually feel like I have to go to the bathroom less than before I started this whole thing.
I called the pager number to find out what I should do and since I felt fine after throwing up I was told to try the second dose. So here I am with he second dose down, drinking hot raspberry herb tea, and sitting on the "birth" ball. Oh what fun!

2 ounces of castor oil and 2 ounces of root beer. I read somewhere that the fizz helps with the taste. It wasn't too bad. Just imagine drinking a REALLY oily root beer. I don't think I will be able to drink root beet again though. Also we didn't have Mexican food last night, someone who had lived and learned advised against mixing Mexican food and castor oil it because it could "really burn the next day." We didn't try anything else either...
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