I bought this t-shirt the day that we found out we were having a boy.

I have heard all these horror stories about pregnant women having to deal with perfect strangers coming up and touching their bellies and it never happened to me. I was starting to think there was something wrong with my belly and that I wouldn't get the chance to be offended or violated.
Finally with one day to go to my due date Curt and I stopped at a Chinese restaurant. As we were paying the two women at the front counter who worked there asked "Are you having a boy or a girl?" One said it was a girl, and the other a boy. I was wearing my "Bundle of Boy" t-shirt (which neither seemed to notice). I guess the one that got it right won the chance to rub my belly because their next question was "When are you due?" when I said "tomorrow," the winner came up, put her hand on my belly, and asked if I felt anything yet.
It wasn't that bad. Of course it would drive me crazy if it had happened all the time. As much as I can't wait to not be pregnant I will miss the attention. Tomorrow maybe I'll go out just so people can ask me "When are you due?" and I can say "Today!"
I'm glad you got the chance to almost feel violated.
you are too cute!
Have you popped yet? I get nervous every time I check your blog. Calliope is out. I need to get you one.
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