Mostly at night the two of us sleep out on the couch during the week. We try to snuggle in bed with your dad but I can't sleep because ever sound you make I think you are waking up and I want to make sure your Dad gets a full night of sleep to go to work. (He wants us to sleep with him and couldn't care less if you woke him up). Every night we try it but in the morning the two of us are snuggled on the couch when you Dad kisses us both before he goes to work.
This week you started grabbing things while you nurse. You either grab on to my shirt of my finger and it is so cute. Every now and then you pinch my breast and it hurts. I can't be mad at you though because you look up with at me with your innocent blue eyes. My poor little guy you are also breaking out with infant acne and I just hope that you get it all out of your system now and this isn't a preview of your teenage years.
You finally have a belly button and we can't wait to give you your first bath. I think we will do it tomorrow when your Daddy is home because the way you squirm I am sure we will need all the hands we can get to hold on to our slippery little baby. Also you are so funny with your pacifier! You rarely want it but when you do take it you suck so hard that we would have to use the jaws of life to pry it from your lips. I was worried about nipple confusion but you've been nursing for a week now and you pretty much find everything on your own now. It is so funny how you shake your head back and forth when you are ready to nurse.
You are growing up so fast. I can't believe we've survived two weeks already and you are still in one piece. We haven't screwed you up yet, just give us time. We are doing the best we can :)
We love you and I am surprised how much our love for your grows everyday.
You are the best anniversary present either of us could have gotten.
Ean had that baby acne bad too, he didn't get rid of it until he was a couple months old. I was so self conscience about it, but now he has perfect skin. I would rather that than colic or jaundice though. You are doing wonderful!
Oh I love the two week letter.
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