Wow! Has it really been 3 weeks already? What a milestone that we are both alive! When I think about how much I love you it makes me want to cry. Everyday it is just so amazing that I am a Mom now. The few times I've left you home with your Dad I am excited to get out by myself but as soon as I walk into the store and see the other parents with their babies I miss you terribly.
This week you are staying awake for longer amounts of time and are quiet as long as you are in your swing or are being cuddled. I also learned this week that if you fall asleep in your swing and I turn it off you instantly wake up and refuse to go back to sleep. I guess I need to stock up on D batteries.
Everyday nursing becomes a little easier and both of us are figuring out how to do it in bed laying down so we can both just drift off to sleep. You are so funny. If for some reason while you are nursing you get unlatched you start snorting like a pig and you shake your head back and forth with your mouth open with crazy eyes focused on my breast. Now pretty much I can hold you close and you can latch on by yourself. Now almost every time you nurse you grab on to my hand with yours.
Everyone keeps giving me advice about what to do with your infant acne. They don't believe me when I tell them that we are just supposed to wash your face with water and let it go by itself. They tell me to pop them (which honestly is hard to resist), or slather you with lotion, and your Dad asked if we were supposed to use the stuff we put on our faces when we break out. I guess we are getting some of our first unsolicited advice. We just have to be patient for it to go away and besides I'm your Mom I love you no matter what.
You really liked your bath this week because we weren't flashing the light from the camera in your eyes. You really HATE the flash of the camera. Sorry, you just have to get used to it because I can't resist taking pictures. Lucky for you though most of the pictures I get to take of you are when you are sleeping.
Good thing his Flashy Aunt Lisa hasn't been by. Sorry I missed your 3 week bday and don't have a picture to post.
You are quickly learning that what is best for him is whatever you think is best. Do you have that book "what to expect the first Year" if not you should get it.
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