Thank God for the baby carrier or else I couldn't even come near the computer

I started the day off realizing that I might not have taken a shower in two days. So when I finally got Lucas to sleep I grabbed the baby monitor and headed to the sanctuary to wash my hair (not that it matters because I keep it pulled back in a bun all the time now).
I think Lucas is going through a growth spurt because I spent the last two days feeding him ALL day and he only is sleeping for about an hour or so in between. Today to get him to sleep I have to be laying by him and 90% of the time he can tell when I try to sneak away. At least I got that whole nursing in bed thing almost down pat. The rest of my day I spent emptying the breast he last nursed off of with the electric pump. I figured since this is the last week with the hospital pump I might as well store up some milk.
I think that when we go around Curt's family that I will just give him a bottle of breast milk, at least when we go over to his Dad's house because usually there are so many people over there that there is not a free room for me to nurse in. Plus none of them are big breast feeding fans. It will be so much easier! Part of me though still wants to nurse there because then I have an excuse to hog my baby. I love them all to death but most of them smoke and I am worried about the second hand smoke thing as well as Lucas breathing in the smoke from their clothes (which I never knew until I got pregnant that breathing in the smoke from clothes is just as bad). We haven't seen Curt's Dad and step-mom since we left the hospital and one of the reasons is he was so congested for so long I wanted to keep him away from as many people as possible. Now to be fair I know they won't smoke around him if we ask them not to.
Curt is still smoking... while he is at work. He has cut back so much since Lucas was born. As soon as he comes in he goes and takes a shower and doesn't smoke while he is at home. (He didn't smoke inside our home anyway, he would go outside though). Today he came home and said he was going to quit smoking. Him and Nick (the guy he works with) both had a talk and decided they want to quit. The hardest part is always Curt's family. When he gets around them and they are all smoking he always starts back. Maybe it will be easier being around them with Lucas since we have an excuse now for them not to smoke in front of him.
Oh, Lucas' face is starting to clear up!
Glad to hear the nursing in bed is working out.
--- From 1 hippie 2 the next---
anonymous- you are not fooling anybody. HA! It is funny when you realize that you are a mom, because all of a sudden things like showering aren't even a thought until you can't figure out why your hair is so greasy.
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