After figuring how to get the thing on and how to get Lucas in it I decided to try vacuuming and sorting clothes. It worked perfectly!! Normally I would try to do a little house work here and there before Lucas realized he was no longer being held and woke up. I was able to get a few things done and he instantly feel asleep and stayed that way while I toted him around on my front. I couldn't do it all day because it was a little hard on my back. I guess it is because I haven't carried a 10 plus pound baby riding around on my front in three weeks.
Today I also let Lucas and Jadie bond for a little while, As they checked each other out I snapped a few pictures. Jadie snuck in a few baby tastes which I captured, I thought it was no big deal, of course I forgot who my baby's daddy is. I had just downloaded the pictures to the computer right before Curt got on it check his email. He saw a little of Jadie's tongue action and flipped out. Last time I checked Jadie didn't have acid spit and Lucas is still alive and I don't think he will need therapy over this (although his Dad might).

At least you didn't ell Lucas to hold Jadie like a baby and blow in her face.
Didn't you know, dog slober is good for infant acne.....
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