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We spent the first two weeks telling Jadie to get down and not get near the baby. Then slowly we let her share our laps and we would have Lucas sleeping on one leg and Jadie on the other. Then Jadie licked Lucas while I was taking pictures of the two of them and Curt freaked out. Now Jadie just likes to smell Lucas and sleep near him.
Earlier when I had to go to the bathroom I had to put Lucas down that minute and make a run for it. When I got back I realized that Lucas was now sleeping on Jadie. I guess any warm body will do to keep him asleep for long periods of time. Of course Jadie did sleep "next" to Lucas for 9 months. She would take naps with me cuddled up against my belly and felt his kicks almost as many times as I did.
are you posing these too cute pictures? That is not fair you have a child that CAN'T move out of the position you put him in.
I love this picture
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