Jadie is in love with Lucas and has to be near him at all times. We used to yell at her to get away but that got old. If she is in another room and hears him crying she comes running to make sure everything is ok. If I leave him for 5 seconds to go to the bathroom she sits next to him and makes sure he is safe. If he sleeps on my chest she has to also. She still tries to sneak in tastes of his head and toes. Otherwise she is just content to snuggle up nearby.
Today Lucas and I had our first adventure off to the grocery store. I tried to head out yesterday but I never found time to take a shower. This morning however I decided to skip the shower and just go out and get it over with. You really cannot buy a lot of groceries with a car seat taking up most of the cart. Overall it was a pretty successful trip.

One of the things that Lucas does that I just think is the cutest thing is when he holds his little hands up near his face like a squirrel eating nuts. Lucas has some sort of red blotchy rash that has got Curt more freaked out then me. Tomorrow he is going to his pediatrician anyway for his two week appointment so I will ask him about it then. I think it might be a little bit of a heat rash because I think I cover him up too much. When we first brought him home I was so scared that he would get to cold especially since he was sick.
He still is a little bit stuffed up and doesn't snort anymore really. He does snore though, I guess he takes after his Dad. Today I snuggled up and took a nap with him and when we woke up I noticed that his umbilical cord was hanging on by a gross little thread.

By the end of the night, however, it had fallen out!
Yeah, what a cute belly button. Now he can swim.
I knew Jadie would be a good big sister. Congrats on one of the gross things being over with.
Glad his little cord came off. I remember how excited we were when Jessica's came off & she could have a "real" bath. Kinda gross, but we still have the little stump somewhere.
Hope you're having another good week.
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