During the day Lucas will only stay asleep if it he half way laying on his tummy and halfway on his side.

Today Curt only had a half day of work so I was able to sneak off to the grocery store alone. I was planning on taking Lucas with me before I knew Curt would be home early but I was only planning on getting a few things because his little car seat takes up so much room in the buggy (we don't have one that will fit on the little seat in the front of the cart). I had just walked in the door when my cell phone rings and it is a frantic Curt "Are you almost done he won't stop crying." When I reminded him I just left and to try putting him in his swing, he told me to please hurry. I called him right back to see if he wanted me to get groceries or just head home and he said things were fine and Lucas was no longer crying in the background. I can't imagine life without his swing!
Lucas is such a picky sleeper. If you put him on his side or on his back or in the crib he wakes up. At night he sleeps next to me or on me. I know they say you aren't supposed to put him to sleep on his Tummy because of SIDS but we only do it during the day with him right next to us. Besides you can tell he is breathing okay because he has the cutest little snore. (We want to eventually get him to sleep in his crib but he is to small it just seems cruel to let him cry. I'm looking everywhere for advice on the crib thing and when is the best time to get him started)
Tomorrow is his circumcision. I'm not looking forward to it.
Good thing I didn't need you for a favor Tomorrow on the wee wee day. And you call them buggys too. Oh no !!!!
I can sympathize with you on the circumcision, I hated the thought I even entertained not doing it. I had to take Ean by myself and didn't stay in while they did it, it wasn't too bad afterward. Before they do it you have to sign something understanding ALL of the risks in doing it. AWFUL!!
Anyway, according to what I have read about sleeping, you should do what makes them feel best for the first 3 mths. but then let them cry in their crib, if that is what it takes, and I think if you are sensitive to NOT letting them sleep with you forever, you won't have a problem. The first couple of months Ean slept with us or in our room at least but he has been sleeping in his own bed and all night since he was 3-4 mths old.
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