Boogs, we have survived another week! Today you are 18 weeks old and four months have gone by. Everything is going smoothly except for the fact that my baby that rarely spits up has spit up more in the last two days then he has in the last four months total. I'm not sure what is going on but it doesn't seem to bother you. I am clueless as to why. We haven't given you any solids since Sunday. I looked up spitting up and everything I found says that most newborns spit up and they grow out of it as they grow older. You are going in reverse! I guess my baby has to do everything his own way. Maybe you are just paying us back for letting them stick needles in your chubby baby thighs on monday. At your two month appointment you didn't seem to be as bothered by your shots... but then you didn't have your cute chubby baby thighs yet.

I've really caught on to this whole mother thing. 99% of the time I can tell what you want or need just by the sounds you make or the way you move your body. You also don't mind me snapping pictures of you anymore. When you see me holding the camera you will stop what you are doing and look at me. I have the hardest time now catching pictures of you playing because you always notice what I am doing and you stop and look.

You are quite the rolly polly now. You are always rolling from side to side in order to reach a toy or look at something from a different angle or at someone when you hear their voice. As soon as your Dad walks in from work you stop whatever you are doing and look and smile at him. You make sure you get in your Dad time! You will start crying and when nothing I do can fix it, I pass you to your Dad and you instantly stop. He just soaks up all that attention. I remember when he felt so helpless to get you to stop crying. Now I bet I could leave the two of you together for longer periods of time without getting an SOS call from your Dad after an hour.

With all that rolling around your new favorite toys are your feet! It doesn't matter to you if you are wearing socks or have bare feet. Ever since you figured out how to put your toes in your mouth you will entertain yourself for the longest time. While I could be using this time to get things done most of the time I am sitting next to you laughing along with you.

You are also starting to really look and touch your toys before you put them in your mouth. You still taste everything you can but now you really take the time to feel everything with your hands. Even while you are nursing you hands are wandering touching my clothes, tugging on yours, or running over the back of your head grasping at your soft baby hair.

At night you are sleeping better than ever. Usually you are in bed at 8PM and fast asleep within a few minutes. You usually sleep for 5 hours waking up to nurse around 1AM. Then it is back to bed until 6 AM. If I get you back to sleep before your Dad leaves for work you will go back to sleep until around 9. If you see your Dad you get excited and stay awake for a while and then go to sleep around 9AM. If it is dark outside you will go right to sleep. It is harder during the day. I have to get you down when you are sleepy but not falling asleep or you will just fuss. Today I let you sleep on my chest while I sat reading a book. We haven't done that in the longest time and I loved listening to you breath while I rubbed your back and felt the top of your head under my chin. Pure bliss.

Oh and I've found a good use for your clothes you have outgrown... they fit Jadie perfectly.
1 comment:
I love to hear all the new things he is doing.
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