December 11, 2004

Monday I was feeling a little bit out of it like I was going to be sick soon. I was glad Curt just wanted to spend a quiet birthday at home. I made him dinner (he requested spaghetti) and we had a tiny little cake with some ice cream. My mom came over and dropped off a few birthday presents (one was a gorgeous shirt that he loved that I would have never picked out) and a lot of people sent him emails and ecards that made him smile. (He wouldn't read me the one my Dad sent him because he said he might tear up)
Today pretty much all day I have been miserable with a head cold. Before I became a mom I thought nothing of getting a cold. I would just stay in bed, sleep, and drink lots of orange juice. Well, that doesn't exactly happen when you have a baby to take care of. Luckily it hasn't been too bad. Last night Lucas never woke up a single time! I actually woke him up around 2AM when I got up to pee. I thought about letting him sleep and seeing how long before he would wake up but then scratched that idea so I wouldn't be in pain in the morning. I even had to wake him up at 7:00 AM after Curt went to work to nurse again. (Usually he wakes up at 6:00 and then goes to bed before Curt leaves for work.)
Also, I don't know why I have never followed a routine for nap times like I do for bedtime. Today I laid him down for a nap and he started to cry and just for fun I tried reading his bedtime story to him. Just like at night he stops crying as soon as I started reading and he rolled over and went to sleep. That book is like baby crack! He even took longer naps than usual.
I'm still playing with the idea of trying to wean him off his pacifier but I am a big fat chicken. Since I started thinking about it I have been come conscience of how much I use it during the day. I was surprised to realized sometimes I use it to prevent him from crying instead of stopping him! It is like a chain smoker who lights up without thinking about it. I still think I still want to wean him off of it. I keep coming up with excuses... My latest one is "well when I am no longer sick." Last night must have been a fluke with him not waking up a single time. Tonight he has already woken up twice because he wanted his paci.
I can't wait for Christmas and to see if he plays with any of his gifts. We did not go crazy at all since it is his first Christmas. We stuck to our plan to use the spare change we've saved since finding out I was pregnant (over $60) Besides I know that chances are his favorite gift will still be his feet.

It sucks being sick especially when you are a mom. Good luck with the paci thing.
Nice pictures I love Lucas' feet.
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