Sunday is my birthday and I will be 24 years old (I wonder if there will come a time when I stop volunteering my age). Ever since my 17th birthday I have always looked forward to my birthday with a mix of anticipation and dread. Growing up I would spend new years eve with my parents watching a sing along version of Grease. Since my birthday always fell in the middle of Winter break my friends always seemed to be visiting family our of town. When I was able to drive I finally had a way to go where my friends were and I thought that it would be so much cooler to spend the count down to my birthday out and with my friends. I should have just stayed and enjoyed the Grease singalongs!
Once I could drive it always seems like something not so fun always happens to me right before my birthday. There was the year just days before I turned 17 that I got pulled over by the cops. They had their guns drawn on us because they said they thought my friends and I were drug dealers or cop shooters or something (all because my boyfriend at the time had written PIG in the steam of the window of my car... yeah I knew how to pick them!). The year after to the day I swerved off a dirt road into a fence stopping before an electric pole and some sort of electric power house. Luckily though since it was my birthday my parents always felt sorry for me and I think they went softer on me then they would have been if my little mishaps happened in any other time of year.
Being married doesn't mean that New Year's Eves or my actual birthdays are better either. Almost every year Curt has to work on my birthday so he is always in bed New Year's Eve by 10 PM (One year he did throw me a surprise party with my Dads help. He pretended to have to work so I still spent New Years Eve and most of my birthday feeling sorry for myself since he still had to go to bed early and "go to work" to throw me off! I was totally surprised and it did turn out to be a great birthday) The worst year though had to be last year when I was almost 3 months pregnant suffering from morning sickness combined with the flu and no running water (a main water line busted)!
So against my better judgment to hide under the covers I'm going out tomorrow night. My brother-in-law Michael wants to take me out to dinner. I think I'll make him drive.
Thats funny. We told the pig story to Bernie tonight. its so funny I forgot that was your boyfriend who did that. Remember when that was the most exciting thing happening. And now we are all waiting to watch Lucas scoot. How things change.
Hey I take offense to that, we were there last year so it should have been the best, although you were so sick and having to shower at your parents.
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