This week you had you first real cold. It has really been hard on everybody. Starting Christmas eve you didn't sleep very well at night. You would wake up coughing every hour or two. Finally last night you got a real good night of sleep and today you were back on your napping schedule. I didn't know such a loud cough could come from such a little baby.

No matter how bad you were feeling you were always happy to be around our family and have your picture taken. You've really enjoyed all your Christmas presents but I think the one thing you enjoyed the most was the candy cane your Dad snuck you on Christmas.

Christmas day you sat on your own for the first time without falling forward or to the side. Sure you look like a little hunch back when you do it but it is still pretty cool. I think my favorite thing that you started doing this week is the way you light up whenever you see your Dad. For a while now you have responded to his voice but now you stop whatever you are doing and smile at him at want to play. If the three of us are in a room together and I have you then you will grunt and scream until you are passed to your Dad and suddenly you are quiet and happy. All your Dad has to do is talk to you and you just start laughing and smiling.

It is the coolest thing to step back and see my husband as a Dad with his son. Sure he still gets stressed out when you cry and he has you and nothing he does can calm him down but the time he tries to calm you down gets longer and longer everyday. He doesn't just hand you back to me after five minutes of you crying or just assume you must be hungry (like when you were first born). Today he was planning your first camping trip and telling me about all the father son outings he would take you on. If there was a Boy Scout troop for babies the two of you would be attending weekly meetings and you would have more badges than any of the other kid. You couldn't have gotten a better Dad if you picked him yourself.

I think you will be crawling before we know it. Every time I lay you on your stomach now you are using your legs to push off the floor and scoot a little forward. The only thing keeping you from scooting around now is either you lift your legs off the ground or your front half. When you figure out that your lower half can work with you upper half we are in trouble. I know I need to "baby proof" but I don't even know where to start. Maybe I'll just watch where you go when you start moving around and follow your lead.

I think I know what your first sentence will be when you can talk, "Hey Mom, BRUSH YOUR HAIR!" Well I love you to the moon and back! Boogs it has been a great 22nd week.
P.S. I almost forgot two of the coolest things you do now. Whenever you hear your name you look and smile at who said it. Daddy swears you have been doing this at him for weeks but every time he would try to show me you wouldn't do it. There is no doubting it now! The best thing you do now is when someone gives you a kiss you try and kiss them back. It doesn't matter who it is! You even try to kiss Jadie which can be kind of gross since your kisses mean you open your mouth really wide and press it to the person's face you are trying to kiss. I don't mind your sweet slobbery kisses, I just want them before Jadie gets hers!
Thats neat that you can scoot and you sat up.
I hope you don't start kissing Sawyer you know he eats "things" sometimes.
Just wait 'til he starts repeating what you say. Unfortunately Jessica learned some of her first bad words from me. Only I knew what she was trying to say, and I started curbing that bad habit a little better.
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