Boogs, you are growing so fast that each morning I walk into your room almost expecting to see you growing a mustache and yelling "get out of my room!" Part of me wants to freeze time and just keep you how you are right now before you grow anymore. The other part of me is so proud and amazed by how much you have changed and grown these last 25 weeks.
It is so strange to think you are almost half a year old already! I can't wait for your 6 month appointment next week. We get to find out how much you have grown over the last two months. You look the same to me but every time your Grandma Valeri sees you she swears you have grown so I'm sure you have. Your appetite sure has grown! You went from eating one stage 1 jar in three days to eating 1 jar and then some once a day. I think I need to look into making your baby food because for such a small amount of food it is expensive!
You are slowly becoming less amazed by me and more interested in your Daddy and yourself. You used to nurse and play with my shirt and run your hand over my neck and grab hold of my fingers. Now you play with your feet. You nurse with your knees to your chest and sometimes it looks like you are tickling your own toes.
As soon as your Dad comes in you go straight to him now. For some reason or another every day this week I've had to run an errand right before dinner. I leave you with your Dad and come home to find you sleeping in his arms. It is really funny to hear him tell me "shh be quiet he is sleeping!" I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. It is the cutest thing to see him gazing down at you while you sleep.
I think your Daddy is over the moon that you can finally eat solids. He feeds you while I make dinner. You have quite the appetite. So far you like any food we have given you as long as it isn't green! I thought you hated peas but after giving you green beans I see that you only mildy disliked the peas. Today when your Dad gave you green beans and kept trying to get them in your mouth you started to SCREAM and spit them out down your chin. It was like you are saying "Hey! You wouldn't eat this green crap from a jar, why do you expect me to?" With the peas we could get you to eat them by giving you one bite of peas and then one bite of something else. You hated green beans so much that getting a bite of carrots in between just wasn't cutting it. Luckily for us we went to the grocery store today and I picked up buy one get one free jars of organic sweet potatoes & apples (two of your favorites).

After you eat your Dad always gives you a wipe down with your bib and hands over your paci (because you seem to want to eat and eat until you make yourself sick and the paci keeps you happy while your tummy realizes you are full) we eat dinner while you play. When we are all done I'll try nursing you to make sure you really did get enough. Then we take turns playing with you until it is time for bed.
It has been pretty chilly lately that I started giving you a bath either right after you eat dinner or in the afternoon when you seem like you are getting a little bored. You don't seem to care what time of day you get all soaped up but you still hate getting dressed once you have gotten totally naked!
This week I started singing "You are my sunshine" to you because one of your favorite toys is a sun shaped rattle. You absolutely love it! You start smiling and laughing as soon as I sing the first line. You still love to be read to but slowly being sung to is becoming your favorite thing. You love music and it doesn't matter what it is. If I start singing to you then you are in heaven.

You are sitting up by yourself for longer periods of time and you seem to enjoy the new perspective on the world. It will still be a while though before you can get yourself up in a sitting position. You are also still trying to scoot yourself forward to reach stuff you want. The objects of your desire are the remote, the home phone, my cell phone, and the digital camera (oh and how could I forget Jadie). If I am talking on the phone and you are close to me you spend all your energy trying to figure out how you can pry the phone out of my hand. I've given my cell phone to you a few times (making sure it is locked first so you won't call 911 or China by accident) and I am amazed each time how you can lift it by yourself since it is so heavy! (yeah your mom and Dad don't have those cool light weight phones. Our phones don't take pictures and they don't play music but they can make and receive calls and have the awesome power of baby entertaining).

Oh this week I finally started to fill out your baby book! Like your Grandpa Dan always says, "Don't want to peak too soon!"
I love you to the moon and back,
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