Lucas and I want nothing more than to go back to sleep but we can't because of the people in our lovely trailerhood who are shooting off fireworks (the illegal kind), their guns (also the illegal kind) and playing really bad 80's music loudly (which I don't understand because it is our Hispanic neighbors who every other day of the year only play music in Spanish). So needless to say there isn't much sleeping going on. I feel like the grinch that stole new years!
I promise I didn't start the day out grumpy! I had every intention of staying up late because I wanted to. I went to an early dinner with my brother in law Michael at Applebees. The original plan was to come home feed Lucas and go see a movie, however, when I got home I was exhausted so we decided to skip the movie and Mike went home (it was all of 6:30 at night). I put Lucas to bed but he only slept for maybe 30 minutes before he was up again and hungry again (he must be going through a growth spurt because this is a repeat of last night when he wanted to eat every two hours... which explains my exhaustion today). When we got him back to bed at 8:30 I crashed too (of course I waited for the rerun of project runway that I was watching to finish so I went to sleep at 9).
I woke up a little after 11:00 because Lucas was up. Curt (who was still awake... a first for him on New Years at least since I've known him) tried to get Lucas back to sleep but it was obvious the kid was hungry...AGAIN. So I fed him and put him to bed a little after 11:30 and I told him "I love you I'll see you next year" and we went to sleep. Of course that lasted only for about 30 minutes and here we are rubbing our eyes wishing we could go to sleep (except the longer he is up the more awake he gets and he wants to play and I just want to go to sleep!) Curt headed to bed which is good because he will be well rested tomorrow so I can pass Lucas to his Dad and get a good nap in when all the loud noisy people in our trailerhood are finally asleep! I wonder if this is how our next couple of New Year's will be.... I guess it is a good thing I got all my crazy drunken partying done before I was of age! (just kidding Mom and Dad... like I would ever admit to that :)
If you noticed from the picture above that Lucas is awake with his Paci... we finally realized one of the reasons he might be spitting up is because he's been using me as a replacement pacifier and eating too much. Even though spitting up a little doesn't seem to bother him he doesn't seem to be a fan of having his clothes and bibs changed several times a day. We have decided to let him have it back when he is upset to soothe himself for now. One good thing did come of trying to phase it out though, we realized we were giving it to him when he didn't need it or want it which we won't be doing this time. Besides pacifiers have been shown to prevent SIDS in babies who use them until they are 6 months so I can handle getting up a few times at night to plug my kid back in if it makes his sleep a little safer.
Oh yeah and Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday, Kari!! I'm the first one to post that, hooray! We got home a little while ago from Chris & Sarah's. It was a lot of fun--and we had some of the 80's music going w/Karoake to boot--what a hoot. I got nominated to sing first & did my best impression of "I Love Rock N' Roll" by Joan Jett.
Hope the rest of your day (& year) is better and that it settles down out there soon so you can sleep.
Happy Birthday and Happy Birthday. Hope this is just the first day of a wonderful year for you and your family. I certainly enjoy watching Lucas grow up before our eyes. I look forward to your posts everyday.
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