I just got peed on... I'm so surprised that I'm not even sure how the correct spelling of peed on is. I know it was inevitable since I haven't really been sprayed in 6 months and I do after all have a boy but this totally took me by surprise. Lucas just woke up at 10 crying hysterically so I went in and picked him up and tried to feed him but he really wasn't having it and I was starting to get annoyed because I was asleep too and if he wasn't hungry then why did he wake up (especially since he was barely asleep 2 hours). So I go to switch sides to nurse him on and his whole side is soaked in pee. (I guess I would be crying and pissed off too if I woke up in my own pee). So I took him in his room and didn't bother with the light because I didn't want to make it that much harder to get him back to sleep.
The second I ripped off his PJs he started to settle down a little. Then I pulled off the old diaper and just as I was grabbing a new one all of a sudden I felt this warm stream hit me and scared me at first. Then when I realized what it was I let out a "damn it Lucas"... I know I know, but I didn't yell it. I just muttered it to myself and I only said it twice. I flipped on the light to see the damage (on him not on me) and took the pad off the changing table threw it in his dirty clothes and quickly cleaned off the pee that was covering my kid. I then got the clean diaper on him, but on fresh PJs, took the pee blanket out of his crib and put down a new blanket (he can't sleep without one under him for some reason). I think he was asleep the second I laid him in the crib.
I can't believe I just spent 2 paragraphs just to say "hey I got a surprise pee shower and mildy cussed at my kid for the first time." Man it sure has been an eventful day. We did get out of the house and go get gas and check the mail (no bills and a letter from my Cali Grandma). I let Jadie go "bye bye" with us and Lucas kept looking at me while I pumped gas like "how did She get in here?"
Today was a pretty decent day with only small bursts of crazy crying (and none after Curt got home) but I guess I still have a hint of sadness because Curt would just look at me and ask "honey what's wrong." Of course we have very different ways of dealing with a situation. Mine involve personal space and his involve invading that person space. This reminds me of something I've been thinking about lately after talking to Lisa. Curt and I have different "makeup styles" after a fight (not that we fought today). Even after we have talked I still need my own time to get over things. I'm a little bit of a "I don't Feel like Loving you today" type of girl while Curt can go from mad or upset to bouncing off the walls happy in 0-5 seconds flat and he is a more of a "Come a Little Closer" type of guy.
Less than 12 hours to go until Lucas' appointment. I'm not looking forward to it really. I keep playing all the "what ifs" in my head and I hate that I have to go alone. Curt has only been working at his new job less than 3 weeks and my parents are on a cruise and I think I might feel strange if anyone else went with me. I planned on being asleep right now because I should leave our house by 8:40 AM and I already don't do that great when I have to get us out of our PJs before noon. (Getting a baby up, dressed, and fed is a lot harder than it looks and I still have to get myself up, dressed, and feed.) Maybe I should lay out our stuff tonight before I go back to bed and make sure I have my waterproof mascara on this time (you know for the tears of joy and frustration when nothing is wrong and I realize that I freaked out over nothing and have to try to get my milk supply back up.)
Oh and for more randomness... I am just realizing the power of Myspace. This week two people from my past contacted me just to catch up. It is crazy how many people I have found (or found me) that I haven't talked to in almost 1o years.
Glad I'm not the only mom whose been peed on. Just wait it gets better. Try changing PEE sheets off of a TWIN sized bed. (And pee comforter) Or we could have it worse this week like other bloggers we know. I saw in Lindsays post Ean was laying on a towel. Ted and I use the towel or sheet trick or make your bed in the bath. LOL
oh the bath tub GREAT IDEA! God luck in the morning, actually withthe time difference you are probably getting up about now. I will be thinking of you.
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