1. Not knowing that Lucas was a 10 lb 4 oz baby before I delivered him
2. epidural
3. That we can afford for me to be a stay at home mom right now
4. Marrying a man who was raised with a Grandma, mother, and two sisters who shared the belief that not shaving your legs in winter adds insulation. (Which sounds good to me!) So he isn't phased when I don't shave my legs for a day or two or ten :)
5. Having Lisa and my Mom to answer all my crazy baby questions so our pediatrician doesn't think I am an anal over protective worry wart of a new mom.
6. A great pediatrician that never makes me feel dumb for asking questions and always kisses Lucas on the head and tells him how smart and handsome he is.
7. Blogs- a way to catch up with friends and family any time of the day or night
8. Watching Lucas and his Dad laugh and snuggle together
9. Waking up and seeing the Sunset in Hilton Head the first time I felt Lucas moving around.

10. flipflops
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