of course there was Jadie waiting in the wings for him to drop one...

I guess persistence really does pay off.

I don't know if it was in those chicken bones but Lucas seemed to have more energy tonight then ever before! Lately he will play on the floor by himself and just chew on a few toys and "talk to them" well while I was checking my email and Curt was watching TV (all in the same room) Lucas managed to roll and scoot himself across the room to Jadie's food bowl. I grabbed it just as his little hand went to grasp it. I put him back on his blanket with his toys far away and moved Jadie's' food. Well not five minutes later I hear this high pitched sound of glee and looked down to see Lucas had rolled and scooted back to were Jadie's food usually is... only this time he grabbed her water dish (I don't know why I didn't move it when I moved the food) and before I could get to him he dumped it all over him and started to cry. Curt and I couldn't' stop laughing and couldn't believe how fast he can get around... man are we in for it when he can crawl! I guess I really need to step up and get baby proofing.
Wow! That was fast. He is already getting around by himself.
Found your blog from the firecrackers board. Hope you don't mind me commenting.
Love your blog and I especially love the pic of Lucas gnawing on the bone. We've got to let Sarah give that a try. Come pop by and visit Sarah's blog sometime too. See you around on the board! -- Vivian (tickle_turtle)
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