Today you were in the pinochcio room for the last time until your well baby checkup! That's right, at 29 weeks you are 13 lbs and 7 ounces and now weigh more than you did at 4 months! Since you are gaining weight now your pediatrician's office released you from your weekly weigh ins and they gave the go ahead to start weaning you off of formula. Thank you so much for putting up with my craziness! All along everyone has been telling me that things would work out but you are my first little baby and I guess I just had to find out for myself.

You are one food loving baby! You literally smile in between bites when you see the spoon coming towards you. If we don't get that next bite to you quick enough though boy do you let us know it by letting out this angry cave baby growl. I think we are going to start having to feed you in your bare feet from now on though because you have started to put your foot in your mouth in between bites (or we just need to stop being lazy and get your booster seat out of the car instead of me leaving it there just in case I need to feed you when we are out and about).

As much as you love food you enjoy feeding yourself even more! You are one stubborn independent kid already. I love watching you feed yourself because you concentrate so hard and I feel sorry for anyone who tries to take food away from you before you are done with it. (I was worried that as you started to eat food Jadie would try to come up and steal your food but now I think that poor Jadie better watch her food because once you crawl I'm sure it will be on!) You can already pick up food with your thumb and pointer finger which is something most babies can't do until they are 9 months... but then again it is another way for you to get food in your mouth so I shouldn't be surprised! I still think it is pretty darn cool though!

I've actually started to baby proof and I can't figure out where I can safely keep Jadie's food dishes where she can still get to it with her short little legs and you won't be able to. I guess I need to work on growing the eyes in the back of my head that all other mothers seem to have. You will be crawling before I know it because you already scoot yourself around to face whatever part of the room has the most exciting things going on (like you did Today while we were at your Aunt Lisa's house. You turned yourself around so you could face legos that your cousins had been playing with.) I can't wait to see you following your cousins around, especially Colby... He is so sweet to you. Before we know it you will be tagging along after him wanting to do everything he does and probably driving him crazy.

You make me laugh everyday especially the way you have to involve your little feet in everything you do... Nursing, playing, bathing, and now eating. The only thing you don't like to do with your feet is stand on them.

Thanks for another great week! It is so strange to think you have already passed the half way point and before I know it you are going to be 52 weeks old! It will be strange to start keeping track of you in years because since the very beginning of my pregnancy it was always tracked in weeks. I'm still amazed every week how much you change in just 7 days! Boogs, I love you to the moon and back, and that is one thing that will never change!
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