Getting ready to write you this week I looked back at the pictures I took today and realized that one day when you look back at them you are going to think that I never clean you! This is the first week we haven't had to worry about going in for a weekly weight check and I've just relaxed and really started to enjoy you in all your messy baby glory. Sometimes it is just easier to leave you "dirty" and happy for a little bit then to stop you while you are playing and clean you up. I also used to be so worried about your bibs being stained but hey that's the purpose of a bib. This week you started pulling on your bibs until they come undone and taking it off in the middle of feeding you. Sometimes if I know what you are eating won't stain your clothes I don't even put a bib on you at all. Other times I just feed you in your diaper. I'm starting to relax and realize "Hey babies are washable!" Don't worry though I don't take you out in public looking like a little homeless baby. Even if I did though you are cute enough you could pull off the look!

I have had the best time with you this week! You are moving all over the place rolling and pulling yourself with your arms. You are saying "da da" all the time (Still no "ma ma" but hey you save the best for last!) and you are even sitting up with out using your arms! You will play on the floor by yourself for about an hour now and you are slowly starting to give up your pacifier and scratching yourself on your own. (Last night and tonight I put you back to bed after nursing you and you just wanted your blanket person and didn't want your paci!!!)

You are even a blast to have in the car! At stop lights I turn around and look at you and there you are smiling up at me laughing and we have raspberry blowing contests. We've been having a lot of time lately since I'm starting to go to your Grandma and Grandpa Moore's house to workout three times a week. I'm trying to eat better and be more physically active for you. I want to be able to be a good example and chase you around and be able to keep up with my active little guy. You are really enjoying the extra time seeing your Grandparents.

For the first time today you were actually scared by something. Your Grandma Valeri bought you this little monkey that made monkey sounds and when she turned it on your little lip just started to shake and your eyes welled up and you were clinging to me like your life depended on it. It was so funny but at the same time you were scared so I felt bad for laughing. Later on when I gave you the monkey without it making noise you didn't want to have anything to do with it. You just picked it up and threw it on the floor.

Every day you and Jadie seem to become even better friends. You are slowly moving from wanting to stick her ears, feet, and tail in your mouth to wanting to pet her and play with her. You will sit there for hours watching her chase her ball or run around in circles or watching her crazy bursts of energy when she runs from one end of the house to the other and back again with out stopping. I think she loves you even more because since you are eating solids three times a day there are often bits of food she gets to lick up and you are always trying to share with her and give her your food covered fingers to lick.

You are definitely one baby that LOVES to eat. This week however you are starting to get really picky about your food. Last week you loved carrots and this week you act like I am feeding you acid if I try to get you to eat even a spoonful. For some reason now you are refusing to eat any vegetable except for sweet potatoes. You haven't met a fruit you haven't liked! Also, you are already trying to steal the spoon from me and feed yourself. Sometimes meal times are fun with you laughing between bites other times they can be a big pain with you getting mad at me trying to feed you veggies or not feeding you fast enough or just because I am not breathing the right way. You already have a very stubborn streak that is for sure and it comes out the most during meal times if I don't catch you at the right time (not that I am too surprised you do have two pretty stubborn parents).

I'm looking forward to another great week! Boogs, I love you to the moon and back,
1 comment:
I haven't gotten to hear him talk or scoot and roll yet. I guess in a few weeks times babies can change so much. Good for you on the workouts. I know how hard it is to make time for yourself, but you won't regret it.
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