Me and Ash at Prom May 2000 We made our dates wait while we took a Girl's only photo!
Today after getting off the phone with Ashlee #1 I realized just how lucky I am to have such great friends. After reading about how stressed I have been with Lucas losing weight she called her sister who is still breastfeeding her 9 month old and told her about what was going on and asked her for advice. Ashlee called me first thing this morning (before she even fed her sweet little boy) and told me that she had been thinking about me and had waited to call me until she could offer some help... and she did! Her sister said that it was possible that Lucas was filling up too fast on foremilk and not getting enough hindmilk.
Now that I think about it I think that is probably what was going on and why even though he was eating all the time he wasn't getting the higher calorie milk. I was switching him too soon. When we first started nursing he would nurse for 45 minutes so it wasn't a big deal and as he got older and more "experienced" it took him less time to nurse (which happens with all babies) so when he would pull off I would think "hmm he is done with this one I'll switch sides" and I would burp him and switch. Instead I should have burped him and put him back on the same side. Breasts really should come with instructions!
In other Ashlee news, I also ran into Ashlee #2 and her baby today. I don't think we will end up being long term friends after all. The first thing she said to me was something like "Wow, your baby is small what is wrong with him? How much does he weigh?" When I explained to her what has been going on she said "Well Jacob weighs well over 20 lbs I'm sure of it." That was basically the end of our conversation. (It wasn't really what she said it was the "see I told you that you should be feeding him krispy chick mashed potatoes and Hi-C fruit punch like I do" tone she used that really got under my skin.) I said bye and Lucas and I walked away before I said anything rude to her or her giant baby that kept eyeing Lucas like he wanted to eat him.
When you have so many people that care about you, you don't need "friends" like that.
What she doesn't realize and you can quietly pat yourself on the back is that the eating habits she is teaching her poor little boy now will haunt him the rest of his life. He will have weight problems and she will have problems getting him to eat the right things when he is big enough to tell her what he will or won't eat.
Those kind of people are why we have a classification called aquantances (sp?)
I'm glad that you figured it out. Ps I am learning so much about breastfeeding from all of your reading. Maybe I will take up reading someday. Oh and thanks for helping me figure ot Colby was hungry. Poor kid he took a nap and I hope will be better this afternoon.
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