I swear just yesterday was a Wednesday and here you are another week older already. I know I say this every week but each new week seems to be coming faster and faster. Some days I feel like we miss some things because you just play in your crib while I sleep until I hear you cry... I know I know I should be glad for the extra sleep but we both seem to be so much happier if I play with you more than just letting you entertain yourself in your crib until you get bored. I'm going to start setting my alarm clock and getting up early every morning and having breakfast before you wake up at 7:30. When I wake up before you I get to hear you moving around in your crib "whispering" to yourself which I usually miss because I don't wake up until you are starting to get louder. When I get you before you are starting to protest being alone in your crib you always have the biggest smile.

I think you are secretly crawling in your crib. and whispering mama "mama, mama, mama" over and over again. This week when I go get you from your crib I always find you on your stomach in crawling position at the other end from where I put you to bed on your back. You are always laughing hysterically like you have this secret I don't know. I wish I had a hidden video camera in your room because you I would love to see what you do when nobody is watching.

Each week you are becoming more and more independent. You just want to do stuff for yourself now. This morning I just sat next to you while you played at your little table. At first I was talking to you but I just got quiet and watched you. Jadie seemed to get really upset that she didn't have our attention. I made a little corner of the living room that is just for you and has a few of your toys. (It is easier to clean up after you go to bed so I keep a little canvas box for your toys in the living room so I don't have to go in your room and chance waking you up to put them away. Plus this way I can rotate them in and out with out you getting bored of playing with the same old thing.) Well, now your little baby table is facing the wall so Jadie is annoyed she can't get in front of you and get you to watch her run and prance around.

You are also showing off your independence in the high chair. You are not happy ending your meal time unless you have fed something to yourself. After I feed you breakfast and lunch I usually give you a handful of Cheerios to feed yourself. Once you have finished shoving handfuls of baby crack into your mouth you will happily be picked up from your high chair. If we try to get you out of your high chair before you've been allowed to stuff your own face you will cry until we find something else to distract you. Starting this week when dinner time rolled around we started to let you feed yourself 90% of your food.

Watching you eat has gotten a lot more exciting lately since you don't just eat mushy jarred baby food anymore. Now you seem to want to try everything we eat. Now I just put random things on your tray and you'll happily munch away. Tonight you had ground beef, cut up grapes, cheerios, beans, and a biter biscuit for dinner. I am amazed at how you can mash things up without having teeth (your first tooth still hasn't broken the skin yet but it is a huge lump on your gum just waiting for you to show it off.) Instead of mashing up a banana for you the other day I gave you little cut up pieces expecting you to choke on them but you just mashed then in your mouth and swallowed them right down.

The only thing you love as much as feeding yourself is drinking from your sippy cup. I wasn't planning on giving you juice until you were a year old since it is full of sugar and really has no nutritional value (what I mean is it is better for you to eat an apple than drink it) but every since you had it at Phillip's birthday party you can't seem to get enough of the stuff. We don't give you juice every day or give you more than about an ounce when we do but you love it!!! I have tried tricking you and putting water in it but you will take a sip, see that it is water, and literally spit it out of your mouth. It is really cool watching you drink from a sippy cup though. I just wish it had handles so you could hold it yourself (of course the only kind you will drink out of doesn't come with them.) Whenever a stranger sees you drinking out of a sippy cup they are always impressed that you will take one and don't use a bottle (you haven't had a bottle for almost 2 months now.) Of course part of that might also be that nobody ever believes you are 8 months old.

Well I am looking forward to next week. Hopefully the weather will stay nice and we can start going to the park everyday since you love to swing so much. Also, I plan on taking you to story time at the library. Bugga Bugga I love you to the moon and back!
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