For the first time in over 7 months Curt and I slept until 10:00 AM on Saturday AND Sunday! I guess this weekend Lucas decided to start "sleeping through the night." Saturday when I woke up at a little after 10 we were a little freaked out (and yes by "we" I mean me!) and rushed to check on Lucas. It is a strange thing to wake up on all on my own when for the last 7 plus months my alarm clock has been the cry of my baby. There he was quietly playing in his crib flashing me the biggest smile when I scooped him up. I was sure it was just a freak accident until the same thing happened Sunday. It is just amazing how independent he is now. When he wakes up now he doesn't cry for me. Instead, he "talks" and plays in his crib and seems content to have a little alone time.
It is nice to have a little bit more sleep but honestly I did shed a couple of tears when I realized this is one more step closer to him leaving babyhood behind. Crazy I know. When he was a newborn I couldn't wait until he was sleeping at night and eating solids and playing and now I miss the times when he would fall asleep nursing and I would just hold him for what seemed like forever smelling his baby smell, stroking his little baby hair, kissing his little baby fingers and counting his little baby toes. I still can't believe how much I love that little guy! Every day it seems like a love him a little bit more and I know this is so cliche but I didn't know it was possible to love this much.
On a less sappy note I've actually been making most of Lucas' baby food lately. Up until this week 98% of the food Lucas ate was from jars of baby food. I thought making baby food would be a pain in the butt and that I wouldn't be able to make his food as safe and contaminant free as the baby food company. Friday night however I decided to just go for it and cooked a sweet potato and mash it up and put it in little ziplock containers. Saturday morning for breakfast I gave him a bite of the homemade sweet potatoes expecting him to refuse to eat it but he LOVED LOVED LOVED them! At lunch he also had fresh avocado and for breakfast this morning he had fresh bananas. I also saved him a few green beans that Curt and I had for dinner to let him try tomorrow (he HATES baby food green beans so we'll see if fresh ones make a difference.) We'll still use jarred baby food on the go but I think the majority of Lucas' foods now will be home made.
1 comment:
look at that little booty
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