Orange nosed from his lunch of peaches and pumpkin.
I used to be one of "those people." You know the type... The kind of person that sees a kid with dried food on their face and can't believe their parents would let them leave the house like that. I vowed when I became a parent the second my child was finished eating I would clean them up (if I let them get dirty at all.) Well, then Lucas came along. In the beginning I was even a little anal worrying about keeping his bib clean. I would wash his bibs several times in a row trying different stain removers to keep them looking spot free. As Lucas got more active he would want to go straight from eating to playing to napping and before I realized it he was sleeping sweetly in his crib before I cleaned him up. The times I would take a time out to clean him up he would be busy fighting me and trying to escape. I slowly realized I could either have a clean baby or I could have a happy baby. For my sanity I think I will take a happy one.
With that being said I don't go out in public with a food crusted baby and I still put a bib on him to protect his clothes from getting stained. However, if you were to stop by our house at any given time chances are pretty good you would find remnants of whatever Lucas had at his last meal on his face and Jadie close by licking her lips just waiting for her chance to take a lick (unless his Dad has fed him then his face will be pretty spotless.) As time goes on I'm starting to realize I can either worry about scraping pumpkin crud off of his face or laugh with him as he squishes pumpkin between his fingers.
Yes, laughing with him is a better choice. Uh I am one of those people. But I don't mind looking at Lucas in his bibs with food all over them. I have loosened up a little. I didn't get mad last week when the little guys got mud all over their shoes and pants (Uh Ted wasn't home) I think Lucas might just freak out when Uncle Ted or Matthew wipes him off when we babysit.
I have found that I am a lot less freaked about Ben but I still wipe him up after eating. They do in daycare anyway so both my boys don't care about having their faces wiped.
What a great grin!
Lucas doesn't mind his face wiped... it is the actual stopping whatever he is doing to have it wiped. So when I change his diaper is usually the time I decrust him (if Jadie hasn't beaten me to it first)
He is just the cutest..I wonder where he gets it...not from his father...Those eyes are just so beautiful.He was truly blessed in that department
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