Besides Lucas' letters and Curt's GROSS Finger pictures I haven't sat down and really wrote anything about what has been going on with us lately. I've been helping my mom during the week sort through paperwork for taxes every day this past week except for Wednesday. When I get home we eat dinner and I usually fall asleep on the couch. I've just been dying to sit down and update (not that there is anything really new and exciting going on.)
Curt and I have been in a good mood lately towards each other (not to suggest that we are usually yelling, screaming, and throwing things at each other... but it would make my posts more interesting I'm sure) but we are like everyone else and have our grumpy days where we take turns taking our bad days out on each other. Honestly I think eating dinner together at the kitchen table is helping us get along even better. I usually cook dinner (sometimes Curt cooks or he helps) and I set the table and Curt clears. While we eat though we usually sit and talk about our day. Before the table we would eat in front of the TV and randomly stuff our faces while we fought over who could control the TV remote.
Then again our improved mood could have something to do with the fact that when he is home he takes a pain pill for his finger (he doesn't take them at work because they make him drowsy.) The last few nights that I have come to bed I have had to fight the giggles because of something Curt will say to me. Last night for example he said "It's about time you came to bed" then growled at me. When I started to laugh he said "don't laugh at my tiger sounds" and then he started to laugh too. When I asked him about it this morning he swears up and down he doesn't remember anything. Curt had a history of taking in his sleep but he seemed wide awake!
Thursday after helping my mom Lucas and I went by the mall to return something. I also did a lot of trying on clothes and not buying anything and Lucas was a trooper. On the way back to the car we passed an indoor playground for kids that had tables around the outside. I knew he was probably starving so we stopped and sat down and I fed Lucas the applesauce I had in his diaper bag while we watched the older kids play. It is hard to explain but at that moment I just felt really happy. While I was pregnant this was the sort of thing I pictured us doing, being out and about and just being around other kids and moms. I didn't have to rush home to feed him instead I could give him a little snack while we still enjoyed being out of the house.
I finally remembered to take a picture of Lucas putting weight on his legs. He has to be distracted and reaching for something he wants to stand up. Also it doesn't last long (less than a minute) but it is still cool to see him doing something new.
Is he pulling himself up?
he will pull himself up to sitting... but not standing. We stand him up and then he grabs on to something.
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