While I was there Curt called to tell me he hurt himself at work. Cleaning out a broken window he cut his pointer finger on his right hand from the nail to the nuckle. The cut went so deep he said when he bent his finger he could see his bone. (He took pictures of it with his camera phone so be thankful I don't know how to post them online because they are GROSS!!!) He ended up with 18 stitches and 5 shots (3 to numb the pain, 2 antibiotic shots in the butt and 1 tetanus shot). He said the people at Immediate Med didn't fall for the whole "I'm allergic to needles thing. They sent him home with antibiotics and pain medication and he goes back Friday to change the bandage.

When Lucas and I got home Curt showed us his finger and held it up for Lucas to see. Lucas, of course grabbed for it and Curt yelped in pain... thank goodness he yelped quietly so he didn't scare Lucas. Curt said he forgot how strong Lucas' death grip was when he was intent on grabbing something. Curt seems in good spirits and will be back at work tomorrow.
Oh Lucas Loves Lori! He looks so happy to see the Aunt that likes to hold babies
How is his finger?
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