It has been a tough week, (mostly because Lucas has been teething and sleep has been hard to come by.)

We had a nice break from stress having dinner with Lucas' Grandma Andrea. Lucas sat in a restaurant high chair and kept himself entertained. All of the waitresses kept stopping by our table to smile and "ohh" and "ahhh" at Lucas in Chinese. Lucas just soaked up the attention and flirted right back with them.

Daddy also gave Lucas a little bit of Jello which he LOVED. It was funny trying to watch Curt try to balance Jello on a baby spoon but not as funny as watching Lucas trying to pick it up himself.

When we got home we put him to bed and he started waking up every hour again. Tonight is a little different though from the nights before. Tonight he just wants to be held and rocked and he goes to sleep with me holding him (which he hasn't done in months.) I just laid him back down and I think I am going to go to bed so I can get a few minutes sleep before he wakes up again. I know this sounds crazy but it was actually nice having him wake up and want just want him Mommy. It is really soothing to rock a baby to sleep and feel his baby warmth cuddled up against my skin.
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