Tonight for the first time in his short little life Lucas ate a green veggie without spitting it out or screaming at me like I was feeding him baby eating acid. I was really surprised since he dislikes avocado, isn't fond of peas, and HATES greenbeans... but he LOVES spinach. For ever bite of spinach I took he had 3 baby sized bites of spinach off my plate. When the spinach was all gone he actually GROWLED at me because there was no more spinach to feed him. I HATED spinach as a child. The only reason I would eat it was because my Dad told us if we didn't eat our spinach for dinner we had to eat it for breakfast. I guess Lucas is going to enjoy spending the night at Grandpa's house when he gets older.
Unless Grandpa fixes LIVER!!!! No baby would like that would they?
Hey now I have always liked spinich..as a child i would not eat anything unless it was green..what a cute pic
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