*I don't know why most of the pictures from the restaurant came out blurry (maybe it was the lighting??!?! but I used the flash...
I haven't seen Michelle since middle School. Well, the 10 minutes I saw her at the gas station this past St. Patty's Day don't count. She drove up from Orlando for the weekend to visit with friends and to celebrate our other friend Michael getting out of the military after 5 years.

Michelle and Michael

I haven't seen the guys since Freshman Year of College. A big group of us all used to all have lunch together (usually at the mall) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. After Freshman Year Mike went off and joined the military and I got married and most of our lunch group lost touch with each other. Michelle is the one that really got us all together.

On her way out of town I took Michelle and her friend Krissy (I forgot to get a picture of her... She was really sweet and Lucas kept flirting with her) by B & D Burgers to see our friend Junabelle (yes that is her real name, and yes she told me to say that.) Juners (what I have always called her) lives in Savannah she just works all the time and NEVER ANSWERS HER CELL PHONE so I haven't seen her in over two years (which was the last time I went to B&D at night)

Oh and I got another job offer because of SavannahHelpWanted.Com (and this is after I changed my resume to I wasn't looking for anything, I guess I need to take it off completely.) Where were all these job offers before I had Lucas? The job offer today was selling things on eBay for a music store in Pooler. While I am half tempted to do it I think it will be a HUGE hassle trying to ship instruments like Guitars. Also, I'm just now meeting other moms in the area and I like the freedom of selling my own stuff on eBay and doing it when I want to. The extra money would be nice (but who is to say I would make anything anyway... I might put in all this work and not really earn anything.)
I talked to Curt about the whole job thing this afternoon and he told me to do what I think is best. It would be nice to have extra money, but eventually extra money isn't extra money anymore and you get used to having it and start depending on it to be there. So while we are not swimming in money and we don't go out all the time we pay our bills on time and we have food on the table. I feel like I just got to this place where I have figured out how to balance being a mom, wife, and still making time for myself (which is harder than it sounds.) I am finally figuring out how to relax and just enjoy Lucas and I think taking on someone else's eBay sales would stress me out. Plus I still have a whole closet full of things to sell on eBay and I get 100% of those profits.
At least you attempt to sell things on ebay. I wish I could find time to sell the stuff I said I was going to. Sounds like you have had one busy week. Good FOR you!
You have the rest of your life to earn a living,but such a short time to enjoy Lucas before he becomes a fiercly independant school age child. I am so glad your lifestyle has afforded you the greatest oppertunity in the world.
It always trips me out when I see "andrea" commented or "grandma andrea" mentioned - I guess there were so few andrea's growing up that I forgot I wasn't the only one on the planet.
Thank you for the email - I didn't get it until this morning and blissfully woke up headache free (altough rather cranky, but I won't get into that) so I'll use some of those techniques next time... and there always is one.
If I am ever down south in the USA I will try Sweet Potatoes. I promise lol
You're awesome!!
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