One of the mom's on the July Firecracker baby board gave me the idea to record our day in pictures. I started from the time we got up until 1 minute ago when I posted the last picture online. I hope you enjoy our day!
Tomorrow Lucas is going to have his first official play date with one of the July firecracker babies. It turns out one of the moms lives close to me so we are meeting at the mall for lunch! I am very excited!
I loved spending the day with you and Lucas even if only in the pictures. What a great day filled with stinky and cheerios.Enjoy your play date. It is for you as much as him
That was cool. Hope you make new lifelong friends today.
I finally finished reading all the archives that are up (you mentioned some might not be transfered over yet) sometime last night. I'm kind of sad because now I have to wait for your updates again - not that you don't update enough, just that I'm all spoiled now.
I can't see the picture diary for today without signing up for snapfish and I don't want to lol I'll just have to console myself with the picture in your blog.
I signed up cause I wanted to see the captions and think I might steal the idea, very cute, and now i know what to expect when you come visit. LOTS of wipes and CHEERIOS! HA!
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