It was a little hard to put him down for naps today because he just wanted me to hold him (but he wouldn't sleep on me) so we just rocked and read book after book while he rested his head on my shoulder and watched me turn the pages. Finally after 4 different books he was willing to cuddle up with his blanket person and go to bed.

Today Curt woke up, ate breakfast/lunch and went right to work outside. First he washed my car (without me having to ask him!) and Lucas and I got some fresh air outside watching him. Then he pressure washed the whole trailer. I was surprised how much of a difference just pressure washing made. I forgot to take "after" pictures so you have to take my word for it. Then he washed his car.

When Curt came inside Lucas was already napping so I laid down and took a nap. A little while later I heard Lucas' squealing at the top of his lungs and I thought he was crying so I came out in the living room and he was just playing with his Daddy. (Usually if I am napping and Lucas wakes up from a nap Curt will call me immediately.... and it is usually because Lucas is hungry and wants to nurse.) Before either of them saw me I went to bed and half slept, have listened to Lucas laughing and him and his Dad "talking," for another hour before Curt called for me. He is being really great... I think a big part of it is he is a little worried I am going to get as depressed and worried as I was when Lucas was 6 months (I'm not/ won't) and appreciate his thoughtfulness!

Also, I just found out one of the mom's from my baby board lives 25 minutes from where we are going in Cali, and actually goes to Visalia a couple times a week. So Lucas might get to meet another one of his fellow July babies! I am getting so excited about our trip!
Totally random, how strange is it that one Grandma lives in Visalia, CA and the other lives in Vidalia, GA??!?!?!?
Aww!!! It's so sweet that your hubby is going to such lengths... he sounds like such an awesome dad and a wonderful husband, and you can tell him I said so!
My grandmother came and helped me do the preliminary "move out of the apartment" cleaning today, and like your pressure-washing, it's hard to believe how big a difference a little water can make.
Glad you're in a good head/heart space about the doctor's visit stuff - positivity will get you further than anything else. You rule, dude, don't forget!!
we are all getting excited too!
That is weird about the whole Vidalia and Visalia thing. I've always thought it was weird. i don't think its as weird to Ted since the Stricks haven't lived there all his live. He is actually camping in the same county as they used to live right now.
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