Today has been a pretty exciting day in the "you managed to eat your very first piece of dog food and we both survived" kind of way. It is amazing how you will find the tiniest piece of anything on the rug and put it in your mouth. You manage to find all kinds of things that both the vacuum and I miss. I guess since you've been sharing your Cheerios with Jadie for months it is only fair she shares food with you. Jadie has never eaten her food straight from her bowl. Instead she goes gets a few pieces in her mouth and then brings it across the room (if your door is open she will go in your bedroom to eat it or if you are playing on the floor she will come right near you) then she drops the food and eats it piece by piece.

Obviously today one of those pieces went rolling your way and you picked it right up, stuck it in your mouth and was happily chomping away. I calmly stuck my finger in your mouth and fished it out. I'm sure you have many more dog food snacks in the future. I'm sure it is karma's way of paying me back for feeding my cousin Eric dog food when he was younger and telling him it was "balls" (what he called peas) or for feeding my sister cat food. Hmm... maybe it isn't the brightest idea to tell you all the things I did when I was younger. I'm sure you'll find your own ways to be mischievous without me giving you suggestions.

I still can't believe this last weekend you started to "crawl," and by crawl I mean that half inch worm half army crawl thing you do that gets you place to place. It is so amazing to look down at you scooting across the floor after something you spotted across the room that you must investigate up close! Tonight you were teething and were the tiniest bit grumpy so I took you in your room to rock you and read to you but you just wanted to get down. I put you on the floor and there you went across the room right to your shelf where your toys live. I just sat there in this awe thinking about how less than a year ago I would come into your nursery at night and rock in the chair and rub my belly imagining what you would look like and how wonderful it would be to rock you and read to you and watch you play in your room. I just quietly sat there watching you play thinking about how my little daydreams had come to life. In the middle of your playing you would randomly turn around to look at me and smile and laugh and keep on playing.

You are growing up so fast and I'm so glad that I have these letters to look back on. I hope one day when you read them you will realize how much I love you and how much you have changed my life. These letters each week are a sort of love letter to you.

I am so excited about Mother's Day this weekend because it is my first official one. I don't care that you can't go out and buy me a card or anything, just hugging you and kissing you is more than enough. Then again if for some reason you want to throw a little "ma ma" my way I'd be fine with that too.

Bugga Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Ma Ma
You have done great keeping up with these letters. I am sure Lucas will appreciate them, so much.
As soon as he says "mama" I want proof - PROOF DARN IT! lol
I love the blue pj's on red rug pictures - they really make his little face pop out of the picture, and I am so jealous that you have yours already, and CRAWLING, even, and mine is still only as big as an avacado in my belly. *pouts*
Happy early Mother's Day! :o)
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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