I have now carried you around outside of my body for the same amount of time that I carried you inside. It is all pretty amazing if you think about it. I still can't believe that your Daddy and I "made" you. Last night the three of us laid in bed and just cuddled and played with you and I could not think of a time I have felt happier in my entire life. Every day I seem to love you a little more than the day before but I think eventually my heart is just going to have to burst. I just don't think it is humanly possible to love someone as much as I love you. I think the reason God makes babies so cute, and soft, and lovable is so we fall in love with them more each day so by the time they are moody hateful teenagers we have no choice but to keep on loving them.

I am already doing things I hate because I love you so much. I HATE mopping more than any chore in the would but last night I stayed up mopping the kitchen floor. I knew it would just be a matter of time before you followed me in there and decided to pick up something gross from the floor and try to eat it. The more you get around the more I realize how in the dark I was when I thought things would get easier once you outgrew that whole newborn just laying in one place stage. Even though you woke up every two or three hours around the clock you stayed in one place! I didn't need a pit crew back then to change your diapers!

Another thing that I thought would be easier was when you started solids. I thought I would be able to get out of the house more since I could hand you a few cheerios or a biter biscuit or a sippy to tide you over while you were hungry. Sure, those things woke but then you have to be cleaned up, and then when we get home the bib you used needs to be washed and so does your sippy cup. It is the same thing when I feed you at home only cleaning up is more time consuming and usually when it is all said and done usually involves a few squirts of stain remover and a couple of baths. When you were just a stationary non-moving newborn all I had to do is nurse you, no clean up, no making sure I pack snacks in the diaper bag, no making sure something isn't too hot or too cold. I'm not complaining, instead I'm just trying to point out how naive I was/am as a first time mom.

I honestly adore how "complicated" you have made my life. It really is something to watch you open and close things and sit and watch you figure out how something works. Seriously, you are obsessed with opening and closing and figuring out just how each little part of your toy is supposed to move... especially if there is a button or something else that makes said toy play music. Once said toy plays music you reward yourself with your grooving head bob. Jadie is always by your side watching what you are doing because every once in a while she will find a lone lost Cheerio somehow if she hangs out with you long enough.

You absolutely adore anything that has to do with music. I wonder if me putting headphones on my belly had anything to do with it. Whenever music comes on that you really dig you do your grooving head bob and you look like a happy little baby bobble head doll. I still can't believe how one day you just started grooving to the music out of the middle of no where. Maybe you just have natural rhythm and will be able to dance... if so I know you didn't get that from your father... His dancing consists of snapping his fingers and shaking his pelvis... it is pretty funny stuff but there is no rhythm there for sure. Shhh... I didn't tell you this but your Daddy suffers from a major case of white guy syndrome. You however, already seem to have rhythm. Today when you were bored of every single toy spread out on the floor and not yet ready for a nap I decided to get the set of baby instruments that I had originally planned on saving for your birthday. When I handed you a set of maraccos and showed you how to shake them you just sat their happily "shaking what your mama gave you!!!" (Oh and just so you know really bad puns come from your my side of the family... just wait, your Grandpa Dan has some good ones!)

One other really cool thing you did today was try to pull yourself up. For some reason you were playing with one of your toy containers and turned it upside down and started to randomly put toys on top of it. I guess you wanted to see what they looked like sitting on top of a big blue bucket so you pulled your self up to take a peak. When you saw what is looked like on top of the container you would grab at it, get back down on the ground, and move it to another position (still on top of the container.) It was almost like you were playing peak-a-boo with yourself.

Well Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Ma Ma (although I am thinking of switching my name to Da Da)
1 comment:
It JUST occured to me that Lucas' "weekly" birthdays are the same as my "new" week of being pregnant. Today I am exactly 17 weeks pregnant - ALMOST HALFWAY... and so terrified lol
I love your weekly letters... it's such a great view into kind of what to expect. You rule, keep it up ;)
Oh... and I so sympathize on the white-man-syndrome ;)
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