Today Lori came over to help me paint our trailer. Originally I figured painting would take a few days but we ended up getting everything painted (by everything I mean everything BUT the trim... since I just painted that less than two years ago I'm going to try and see if we can get by not painting it.) We were able to get most of it done while Lucas napped. I couldn't have done it without Lori that is for sure. Saturday we are going to tackle the roof and hopefully we will be all done! If we get in "trouble" for not painting the trim I'm just going to say that we didn't want to paint the trim until the roof was done.


Just as Lori was getting ready to head for home Lucas noticed Jadie was chewing on a dog bone. All of a sudden he just started doing this army crawl/inch worm thing heading straight for Jadie. When he got to her he took her bone and instantly stuck it in his mouth. YUCK! I am so glad that we are blessed with such a sweet little dog because I know that many dogs would have growled or snapped at Lucas (Which is how Jadie acts if Curt or I try to take her bone, but not with Lucas.)

(click on the image to view a short video clip)
Lucas has been scooting around for a while but something must have clicked with him today because after Lucas "discovered" Jadie's bone all he wanted to do was scoot across the floor and get into things. I am now longing for the days of Lucas was not mobile. I thought we had to keep an eye on him before but now we can't take our eyes off him for one minute!!! Even though we have the outlet covers, tonight Lucas still managed to pull a cord out from the outlet and Curt and I were both in the room!!!! The second I press the publish button tonight I am going to be googling for something to cover the plug so he cannot pull it out.
While Curt and I watched Lucas go from one end of the living room and back again we both went from laughing and smiling and being real proud to a little nostalgic. I teared up because Lucas being mobile means that he is one step closer to moving out and living on his own. Curt noticed me tearing up and must have read my mind because he said "remember when he was born and we brought him home and he just laid there all curled up and couldn't move??"
AWWWW!!! Noooo!! He can't grow up and move out - he's too little and cute and tiny!!!
In one way, I'm like "wow, it's awesome that he's motoring around!" and in another way I'm feeling your anguish because I know I'll be going through the same things oh so soon.
Let me know if you find outlet covers they can't pull off. *sigh*
Trailor looks awesome, btw!!! The trim doesn't look "not done", either.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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