Since Shannon was only in town this weekend I wanted to hang out as much as I possibly could with her so I went to dinner with her and a big group of mutual friends we went to school with and a few of her friends I had met a few times. The plan was always to go to dinner somewhere and then go bar hopping afterward. Since I haven't really done any bar hopping I was looking forward to it but at the same time I knew I wouldn't/couldn't get trashed since I had to drive home and I am still nursing Lucas.
Earlier in the day when I called Shannon to work out the kinks in our plans I was trying to explain that I wasn't going to stay out all night for the reasons I already listed. She responded back with "Kari don't you think you should wean him? I mean he is 9 months after all!" While I know Shannon never meant this rudely or any negative way I must admit I was a little aggravated by that comment. I calmly explained to her that there was nothing wrong with breastfeeding a 9 month old and that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends it. I also added that I know breastfeeding Lucas has kept him from getting sick times when Curt and I both have been but all Lucas will get is a little runny nose. (I don't mean any of this as an attack on moms who don't breastfeed or didn't) I just wanted to explain to her why I was breastfeeding and it wasn't "just because." I think she was worried I might have gotten mad because she told me that I should do what I thought was best and she just wanted me to come hang out.
Looking back on it I'm glad it came up. It made me realize I really don't care what people think when it comes to how Curt and I decide to raise Lucas. If you think I am a breastfeeding freak, that's ok. I really don't care. I am doing what I think is the best for my baby and there is nothing gross about breastfeeding. Obviously breastmilk is there for a reason, otherwise your body wouldn't make it when you had a baby and continue to make it. I can't believe in the back of my mind I was toying with the idea of weaning Lucas for our trip to California in a month because I was afraid of what strangers on the airplane might think. Okay now off of my soap box.

We ended up going to Texas Roadhouse where I ordered a cheese burger because I figured it would be quick and simple since we had a HUGE group and everyone was excited to go downtown. I had no way of knowing that my burger would arrive with a marshmallow on it. I have never in my life sent back anything at a restaurant... but I did that night. Needless to say my hamburger sans Marshmallow came AFTER everyone else was finished eating. I still had fun. While we were there we told the waitress it was Shannon's birthday. She was a little embarrassed at first but got into it yelling YEE HAW and twirling the napkin in the air like the waitress instructed her... until the waitress added and she is 30 today! She tried to shake down who had misinformed the waitress and that was pretty funny.

We headed down town to River Street to go bar hoping. For some reason I wasn't as thrilled about going as I thought I was. All I wanted to do was go home and go to bed but I followed the group downtown because I did want to spend time with Shannon. The first stop was Wet Willies. I was the ONLY one that didn't get a drink or take a shot. Shannon got a few pictures of all the girls together and the group headed to Savannah Smiles. Since it was a little after midnight I decided to head home and said goodbye to everyone. I am so glad I got to see Shannon this weekend and I loved hanging out with her and seeing people from middle and high school, however, it made me realize the whole bar scene isn't for me and I'm not missing out on a single thing. I would rather spend a quiet night at home with my two best guys then hanging out in some overcrowded bar with my friends any night. I am not saying that I never want to go out with my friends or don't want a night out with the girls. I just don't want to spend it in a bar. Who knows maybe that will change when Lucas is a little older or if Curt was with me then I might enjoy a night on the town a little more.
We were supposed to start painting the trailer but the plans fell through. Instead we got to see Lucas start bopping to the music and it cracked us up. Lucas even started "dancing" while I was nursing him later and we all died laughing. The more we laughed the more he would bop from side to side. While Lucas napped Curt and I were going to go ahead and fix the skirting but the pieces we had were to long and we didn't have a saw to cut them with. Curt ended up going to his Grandfather's early and Lucas and I headed to the mall to return something. While we were returning things the cashier started to dance to the music that was playing in the store and Lucas started laughing and dancing right back. The cashier was so ticked and she kept saying "he is going to be a famous dancer one day and I'll be able to say, yes he really was dancing from a young age." I love shopping with Lucas, I really do. I'm going to be sad if (okay when) he ever decides he would rather hang out with his Dad and Grandpa on Saturdays then with his mom going to the mall.
We went over to Curt's Dad's house to celebrate David's 22nd Birthday. I was a little hesitant about going because of the cigarette smoke (NOBODY SMOKES AROUND LUCAS WHEN WE ARE THERE THEY GO OUTSIDE) because since they smoke inside the house usually is smoky. I've come up with certain techniques to deal with the smoke. I bring an extra diaper bag with only diapers and snacks and a few toys that can be easily washed. I also leave his carseat in the car and I bring an extra outfit for him and an extra shirt for me (which I keep in the car) and we change when we leave. For some reason today the smoke wasn't bad. I couldn't even smell smoke when we walked in and our clothes smelled smoke free when we left which was a HUGE relief.

It was nice to visit with everyone and celebrate David's birthday. We don't really get to see David and his fiancee Ashley(AKA Ashley #3) that much since they moved a few towns away. Ashley is great with children and it is really sweet to watch David play with Lucas too. Since Lucas had blue eyes the running joke there is that David must be Lucas' real father... and David always says "Luke I am your father" ...which can get old sometimes but I know everyone is just joking so I don't let it get to me too much. We have also bought Lucas a onsie that has Darth Vader on it and says "Who's your Daddy?" on it (which he wore today.) Lucas also got a taste of blue icing. He didn't seem to like the taste but he did like squishing it between his fingers... and afterwards he looked a little like a blue baby smurf.

After David's birthday bash we headed over to his Curt's Grandpa Ken's and Grandma Barbara's house for a family dinner. I didn't take any pictures there because I was busy chatting with Curt's Grandma Barbara and his Sister Sam while Curt entertained Lucas which was a nice change. Usually Curt is off talking to his Grandpa or his uncles and I am looking after Lucas. When we finally got home we were greeted by the smell of BBQ ribs that had been cooking all day long in the crockpot. I had put them on this morning before I knew we were having a family dinner. We were going to save them for dinner tomorrow but since they were so good and the meat just fell off the bone Curt and I couldn't resist having one tonight.
Whoa that was a busy weekend.
No WONDER you haven't been commenting and such! Whoa! I'm impressed you were even able to get this post up, I would have been too exhausted to write!
I still maintain that your child is one of the top three cutest IN THE WORLD and the dancing thing only serves to further my point.
And I understand about the "home w/ the husband vs. Out to the bar w/ friends" thing... then again, I've never been into the bar scene, so maybe I'm just a 90 year old stuck in a 24 year old's body and don't know it.
Oh, and btw - what is WITH people who don't have kids telling you when you should be weaning your kid? I'm sure she meant well, but talk about an "open mouth, insert foot" moment.
that sounds like one of our weekends
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