Today we made the rounds to visit with all of the Dad's and Grandpa's in our family that live in Savannah. Our first stop was at Curt's Grandpa's house. Curt's sister Sam who just finished Cosmetology School recently trimmed her Mom's, Grandpa's and Curt's hair. When I left, my hair was about 6 inches shorter as well.

After going to Curt's Grandpa's we headed to Curt's Dad's house for a slice of chocolate cake. His Dad's side of the family celebrate everything with a cake. Since Lucas can't have chocolate Curt's Dad sent him home with a Debi cake. Curt is very anti-sugar, anti-caffeine (at least when it comes to Lucas) and wasn't going to let his Dad give him anything. I told him to go ahead and just let him give it to him. (His Dad's favorite thing to do is send his Grandkids home with a little goodie. Besides, it was still in the wrapper and I knew we could just take it away when we got out of eyesight. Lucas had fun squishing it and playing with it.

On the ride home I got caught up in listening to all of the songs about Fathers on the radio. I had tears in my eyes the whole time (I am such a Daddy's Girl!) I was so into the music that I forgot to take the little plastic wrapped sweet away from Lucas. I noticed he went from "singing" in the back seat to being REALLY quiet. I figured he must have fallen asleep. After all, he had been awake since Noon and it was 8 PM. When we pulled up to our house I realized the reason he was so quiet was because somehow he had opened the plastic and was too busy licking the sugar gush off the plastic wrapper.

What?! No picture of YOUR new hairdo!? *cries*
Did Lucas have a hard time sleeping after all that sugar? I wish there was a picture of your face when you realized what he'd been up to, as well ;)
Steven looks so big now...looks like he thined out a bit.I miss all you and wish I could have been there.Love you guys
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