So in our never ending quest to get Lucas off of baby food and eating only "table food," tonight I gave him a little spaghetti for dinner. He was not a fan and in order to get him to eat it I had to mix in Bananas and Cheerios.

He is STILL on California time. He finally went to bed at 11:45 PM! I'm still not sure how to get him back to doing things 3 hours earlier!

If it's any consolation, when I was little my mom had to mix the "desert" and "dinner" baby foods together to get me to eat them - and I turned out mostly normal with mostly normal tastes... if you overlook the adoration for peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches, that is.
Good luck on getting the babe onto table-only food and back on regular time... I have a hard enough time getting MYSELF back on regular time after a trip back east, I can't imagine having to get a wee one back on track. Ugh.
Gah! last comment was from me, but I didn't get time to put in my info!
Yeah bananas are weird in spaghetti. Well at least he was eating it.
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