Tomorrow is Lucas' Gastrointerologist appointment... or G.I. for people who don't think that a word should be made of almost the same amount of letters that are in the alphabet. Can you tell I never got advanced from the class spelling bee to the grade wide spelling bee?
I hope the Doctor either tells us that:
1)Oh you are so right... there is nothing wrong with your baby I have never seen a brighter or more adorable kid in my life.
2) While Lucas is the brightest and most adorable kid I have ever seen in my life he does have an easily treatable medical issue and _____ IS the cause for his slow weight gain.
I'm so tired of living in limbo. While I am sure there is nothing wrong with it I would love for a Doctor to finally agree with me and then stop looking for possible problems!
1 comment:
"All you limbo boyz and girlz! all around the limbo world!!!"
I'm not going to finish that, so you don't get the song stuck in your head, but I can only imagine how frustrated you must be with all these stupid tests going on around your perfect little boy. Sometimes I think the medical profession has come too far, because now, instead of just saying "oh, well, he's a bit small" or "oh, well, he's a bit slow to talk" or whatever and just accepting it and getting on with it, any tiny indication that one baby is not like the other zillions of babies that is born every year sends everyone into a panic and scurrying around to a dozen different specialists.
Sorry. No more ranting. I'll send you good vibes and happy thoughts :D
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