We finally put Lucas' ride-on toy together and he LOVES it! His Daddy pushed him on it for a little while then Lucas stood behing it and pushed the car himself for a little while. I thought it was cool when I saw what it could do on the box but it is even better "in person!"
Lucas is finally started to say "M" sounds!!! Yesterday he started saying "Mamamamamama!" He wasn't calling me that but hey it is a start! He also started saying "N" sounds yesterday as well. This means that soon he will be saying "No Mama!" Figures. ;-)
OH Crap! When you did your birthday post about what you got him and stuff I thought that since you didn't say he got a car that he didn't. So I ordered him one from Target.
Anyway, when they finally deliver it, go ahead and take it back. That Fisher Price one looks better anyway. LOL! :-)
The Moore Family must think a like! That is what Ted, Lisa, and the boys got him!
Well, at least he'll be SAYING Mama... Maybe it'll be "mo' Mama!" not, "no, mama!"
Okay, maybe that was a stretch ;)
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